#Six: In which she wants to take it slow.

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I can't help but blush a little when I tell Rebekah about my date with Ian. She's overly excited by the fact that Ian is such a gentleman to me. To be honest, it feels a little strange. All I've ever known was my love for Matt ...something that clearly wasn't a two-way street. I'm not used to the fact that a male behaves himself nicely around me and actually shows interest, instead of arguing until the end of time. 

Over the next two weeks, Ian and I have been on a few more dates. It feels like there's a real connection between us and I love the fact that we can talk about anything, even Matty. Ian knows I'm still healing and respects that, which means a lot to me. We did share a kiss or two, but just little pecks. Nothing intense, yet. We decided to go separate to the EMA's and not as a couple. The red carpet at least, because we're seated next to each other, it's not like we chose for that to happen.

Since my last single is about losing someone, being heartbroken, I don't want people to think Ian is just a rebound. We both know the press would be all over it, especially because Ian has a policy to normally not date the people he works with. I told him I didn't want to rush into things and if the press would be breathing down our necks, it wouldn't make it any easier for us. Publicity can be a blessing and a curse at the same time, Ian knows that like no other.


'O, my, God! I can't believe I'm on a frikkin' private jet!'

Rebekah's voice squeals high as she starts to jump up and down on one of the seats. Ian, Tyler, and I can't help but laugh at her childish behavior.

'I take it you've never been on one then?'

Ian smirks unable to contain a low chuckle. I slide down into another seat my eyes still focused on Bheks. Her enthusiasm almost makes me want to jump on my seat as well. Her eyes have a shimmer in them, like a ten-year-old who gets to open her Christmas present a day early. She stops jumping as soon as she hears Ian, narrowing her eyes at him.

'I'm sorry I'm such a horrible sister, that I've never been with Lex on one of these! But I've got a pretty busy life myself, you know.'

She mocks while plopping down in her seat. Tyler laughs as he gets seated next to her and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

'Don't worry about it darlin', I thought it was cute.'

Tyler reassures her, Rebekah smiles a little shy back at him as if saying a silent thank you. But her eyes quickly dart to Ian when he makes another smart-ass retort.

'At least that makes one of us.'

He huffs as he pours himself a drink and I can't help but roll my eyes.

'Ian, don't be an ass. We all did the exact same thing the first time around and you know it!'

I chuckle. Ty and Bheks both join in on the laughter knowing that I'm telling the truth, but Ian stays quiet. Although I can see a little smirk hinting on his face from the corner of my eyes. Telling me that it indeed is true, although he doesn't wanna admit it.

'Ah-hum! Your not the only one who's thirsty mister...'

I cough as if I'm dying from dehydration. Ian turns around towards me and gulps his drink down in one sip, licking his lips after.

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