#Eighteen: In which she sees a little bit of heaven and a little bit of hell.

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'Matty, how much longer?'

I ask tiredly as his hands still block my vision while he leads me forward on some kind of rocky path. Right after we left the beach, Matt stopped at our hotel room while I had to wait for him down in the lobby so he could grab some stuff to take with us. When he came back he dragged me into a cab, leading me god knows where...

'We're almost there...'

Matt whispers wrapping one arm around my waist, still using the other to block my eyesight. If I knew we were going somewhere so secluded, I would've told Matt to grab another pair of shoes. I groan, walking unsteadily on my wedges which are making me feel like Bambi on ice. I perk my ears as I seem to hear some water rustling somewhere in the distance when Matt suddenly picks me up, making me squeal in surprise.

'Easy tiger, it's just a stepping stone.'

Matt laughs putting me back to my feet, making sure I'm not peeking as he continues to lead me on.

'You could've at least warned me...'

I grumble grabbing onto Matt's arm as I almost twist my ankle. He holds me against him, walking together to make sure I won't trip again as he chuckles.

'Where would be the fun in that?'

I turn my head in his direction, even though I still can't see him and I stick out my tongue. The sound of water getting more frequent now as I murmur.

'Is this where you're going to kill me?'

'Tempting offer after what you put me through this morning, but no.'

'What I put you through?!'

I yell, halting in my steps almost jerking Matt's hands away as I blindly point toward his direction and snap.

'I could sue you for assault after what you did this morning...'

'Don't give me a reason to change my mind, beautiful.'

He snorts in response, and I don't even need my eyesight to know he has a big ass smirk plastered on his face right now. Jackass... I cuss silently as he continues to drag me along. The noise of water gushing now so loud that I'm almost wondering how we're not wet already. Well, I was soaked this morning, due to whole other reasons... I can't help but fantasize. Just reminding myself of the way he looked at me is enough to make me melt all over again. I've never been so damn horny in my life, if I hadn't thrown you off when I did I probably would've lost my damn sanity and jumped your bones! I swear both ashamed and afraid of the way that lust took control of me. Images of the way he held me captive underneath him, his strong muscles flexing as he pushed himself against me burned in my mind forever. And God almighty, even though I don't have much experience with guys I don't have to be a genius to know you're blessed down below!

'What are you dreaming about, little vixen?'

Matt suddenly whispers next to my ear making me jump as I tell him trying to sound aloof.

'N-Nothing in particular. Just wondering what kind of deserted location you're bringing me to...'

'That fiery blush on your cheeks tells me you have other things occupying your mind than the scenery you're missing.'

He teases as we come to a stop, wrapping his arms around me from behind and leaning his head over my shoulder as he continues in a quiet voice.

'You can open your eyes now, beautiful.'

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