#Nineteen: In which she surrenders.

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'I did ...what?'

He utters in disbelief as his hands drop to his side. I look down tears burning in the corners of my eyes but I quickly blink them away, refusing to show them as he murmurs in a daze.

'Ever since I heard you at the recording studio, I've been wondering what you were talking about. What on earth did I do to break your heart?'

His words are earnest, I can hear it, but I don't care and easily brush them aside as I snap.

'I'm not having this conversation with you!'

'How can I make things up to you if I don't even know what the fuck I've done in the first place?!'

He yells in desperation making me look up at him. Brimming with anger, I shout back at him.

'There's no way I'm going to tell you because you should know exactly what I'm talking about!'

'Well, I don't! So why don't you spell it out for me?!'

He snaps, his hands holding my arms as he looks me in the eye pleading for an answer. I instantly jerk them off me again as I yell at the end of my whits, throwing my arms in the air.

'Fucking figure it out yourself! If you can't your honestly the dumbest man to walk the frikkin' earth, Matty!'

'Well, you're no fucking walk in the park either!'

He shouts, dragging a hand through his hair. A devastating look in his eyes as he follows with a murmur.

'I've got a feeling we both have a completely different view on how things went down all those years ago...'

'At least you've got that right!'

I bite out, stalking past him and heading back inside. Rebekah and Tyler both got worried looks on their faces as I grumble.

'Can we go to the club now? That was plenty karaoke for one damn night.'

Matt already hot on my trail, trying to catch up with me as the both of them nod too afraid to ask what's going on exactly. Just as he reaches me I turn back around glaring at him before I stalk towards the door. He doesn't know what I'm talking about, my ass! I cuss waving over a taxi. I jerk on Rebekah's arm, making her sit next to me so Matt can't as I tell the driver the place we're supposed to go.

The entire car ride all of us are silent, both Matt and I gazing outside in opposite directions, lost in thoughts as the others don't even dare to open their mouths. The air in the car oozes with hostility as I continue grumbling to myself until we get to the club. As soon as the car stops I fly out of my seat, muttering to Rebekah that I'm going to search for Alex before leaving the three of them behind. Not even bothering to look in Matt's direction. Idiot!

I tell the bouncer I'm here to see my brother, he quickly scans the list in his hands giving me a nod as he opens the robe letting me through and telling me where I can find him. The music of the club thunders in my ears as I stalk toward the back, making my way through a mass of people who are dancing to the beat the DJ lays out for them. As I get through the back I finally manage to find Alex. He's standing at the side watching the crowd when he sees me from the corner of his eye and smiles in my direction, but that it quickly drops once he sees my face up close and he asks.

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