#Thirteen: I which he tries to protect her from the inevitable.

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'Come on, Lex. Don't be a buzzkill and come with us!'

Rebekah whines at Lexi's door trying to make her come along tonight.

'Are you mental! Do you even remember what happened the last time I went out with you? Besides, I'm not in the mood to go out with Matt for an entire evening...'

She mutters hard enough for me to hear. Yeah, I expected as much. I sigh, sitting down on the couch.

'You don't have to drink, just get a Red Bull or something... Moreover, there are plenty of people there. You don't have to be within a mile of Matt if you don't want to.'

Dios mio. Thanks, Rebekah. I can always count on you... I huff in silence trying to keep myself out of the situation even though I'm already stuck in the middle, whether I want it or not.

'This is a bad idea.'

She states as I grab a cigarette from her pack on the table and light it. This is going to take a while... I sigh, somehow I think she's right though. I've got a bad feeling about tonight too.

'There was a time when you loved bad ideas..'

Rebekah retorts trying to win her over and I can't help but chuckle in my fist. Yeah, a book full of them when we were younger.

'True, but I don't want another spectacle in the press. Delphine will actually kill me if that happens!'

'Common, we're going to that private club. The press isn't allowed in there, you know that.'

'Besides, I want a complete set of twins there tonight to have some fun with.'

Alex's voice chimes beside Rebekah. Now she's gonna crack. You were never able to say no to Alex. I smile while blowing out some smoke knowing how this will turn out.

'Fine! But if this backfires it's your fault!'

She snaps getting to her feet. Called it. I grin shaking my head. You're way too predictable. Alex and Rebekah both walk down the stairs, huge grins plastered on both of their faces. I shake my head pushing out my cigarette as they sit down as well.

'You know you just blackmailed her into coming along, right? If this backfires, you're fucked.'

I whisper to Alex, afraid Lexi might hear me. He gives me a sideways grin and chuckles softly.

'Mate, if this backfires you're probably the one to blame.'

'Yeah, Matt. You better keep your act together now that we convinced her to come along!'

Rebekah snaps and I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose as I grumble softly.

'Thanks for having so little faith in me. The both of you, really, thanks.'

'Well, you're not really making it easier on any of us, let alone yourself. Just frikkin' apologize to her already.'

Rebekah mocks. I grit my teeth together, trying to keep myself from saying something I'll regret later. I know I was out of line, but that doesn't mean I wasn't telling the truth... I think as I let myself fall back on the couch.

'See, this is what I mean! Can't you just admit you made a mistake?!'

She snaps frustrated, but I pay her no mind and keep my eyes closed. There's something off about that dude, even though I can't put my finger on it. Maybe he was being a dick because he knew Lexi had feelings for me in the past, but there's something else. That backstreet boy wannabe is hiding something. I shake my head trying to get rid of those thoughts knowing she would never believe me anyway, even if I do find out what he's hiding.

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