#Seventeen: In which he rips open an old wound.

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'...You were there when they pulled me back from the brink of death. Tell me if I'm right, or not?'

I ask, trying to hide the tremble in my vocal cords. My eyes searching in hers for the answer she is reluctant to give. Until now, I thought I only dreamt about hearing her voice. The grim reaper playing tricks with my mind. But the way she's acting right now is making me question everything that occurred that night. With my gaze, I beg her to answer me as I keep stroking her cheek with my thumb unable to suppress the quiver in my hands.


She finally whispers after a silence that seemed to have lasted forever. Her voice distinct a single tear leaks from the corner of her eye making me freeze over. Shit, I knew it! I grip her close to me, shoving her head into my chest unable to look her in the eyes any longer, afraid I might start to cry as well as I confess my voice gruff with emotion.

'I... I heard you. Up until now, I thought it was just my imagination, near-death playing twisted games with my mind when I...'

I swallow, unable to continue as I try to recollect everything about that night. It's all hazy... I blink, trying to put the pieces together as Lexi's arms wrap themselves around my waist squeezing me tight. Her hair covers her face as she quietly sobs against my chest. I could remember everything that happened before, up to the long iron railing. After that, everything became blurry. The only thing I remembered was hearing her voice, somewhere far away in the distance ...and a scream. A heart-wrenching scream. Was that you as well? I don't dare to voice that question out loud as I look down at her fragile figure in my arms. Besides some whispers which I can't make into a sentence, that's everything I remember until it all went black. The next thing I knew was waking up in the hospital...

'Wh-When we s-saw your c-car t-tumbling down the ...ra-ravine, w-we... I...'

She chokes out between her sobs. Her fingers clutching on my back as if she's afraid that I could evaporate from underneath her any moment, making me hold her even tighter to my chest.

'I... I th-thought t-there was n-no way you ...cou-could've s-s-survived!'

She wails fighting to draw breath in between her words, breaking my heart in return. God damn it... Not giving a damn about our bet at the moment I kiss the top of her head as I whisper lovingly trying to calm her down.

'Hey... Shh... I did, beautiful. I'm right here.'

She looks up, her eyes filled with grief as she whispers her voice still faltering.

'I... I remember everything about th-that n-night Matty... The s-sound from the metal cl-clashing as you h-hit the r-r-rail... The scr-screeching t-tires... Th-The smell of b-burning r-rubber and i-iron in the a-air...'

I try to stop her, but she gently places a hand on my chest as she shakes her head and says.

'If I don't g-get it out n-now, I n-never w-will...'

I give her a stiff nod, stroking her head trying to soothe her pain in any way possible. My own heart wrenching with misery as she takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself before she continues.

'R-Rebekah collapsed to the g-ground instantly ...but I c-couldn't. I... I had to f-find you. I don't even know how I got down the h-hill so quickly. The c-carnage...'

Ghost from the past  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now