#Sixteen: In which a bet is set and the past comes back to haunt her.

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The dark hallway was starting to creep me out as we kept walking searching for our room number... Nearly coming to the point that I just wanted to turn around to go and ask that hotel lady what kind of prank this is exactly when Matt suddenly speaks up and says we're here. I heave a sigh, relieved we finally found it as I rummage around with the key card trying to open the door. As soon as I swing it open you could hear a pin drop, both of us freezing in our steps, our mouths nearly dropping to the floor. Holy shit! I cuss as my eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets and murmur in complete and utter astonishment.

'Okay, now I get it...'


Matt croaks out at a loss for words. Both of us have never seen something more beautiful in our entire lives, I'm sure... It indeed was a gorgeous room, with every luxury someone could ask for. But that's not the reason both of us are shocked right now... It was built underneath the ground because it didn't have a view across the sea. Instead, we're standing in the bloody ocean itself! I gape at the back wall of the room completely made out of glass panels, displaying the deep waters behind it. Countless fish lazily pass by the glass as a million colors of coral reef decorate the sides and the bottom of the ocean.

' I've never seen anything like this...'

Matt mutters still in a daze. I nod my head in agreeance as I pull my suitcase walking into the room.

'This is amazing!'

I whisper as I walk up to the glass, my fingers tracing the spot where a jellyfish is right behind it. It doesn't even get spooked, and neither are the other fish as they just continue to do their business. Matt follows suit, closing the door behind him. We both admire the scenery for another ten minutes before I walk over to my suitcase, pulling it up the bed. I blindly stare at the sheets not even bothering to open it as realization sets in that we're supposed to sleep here together for the next few days. G-God... This looks like a fucking honeymoon sweet... I panic internally, looking around properly for the first time. The bed is large enough for nearly four people to fit in it, not that I'm complaining. This means I don't even have to go near him when sleeping. I tell myself sternly as I open the zipper, searching for something airy to wear. I get out a tight-fitting dress, torn by the sides, and open in the back before turning back to Matt as I say already heading to the bathroom.

'I'm going to get changed... My sweats are way too hot and I want to get a smoke before heading to bed.'

Matt nods, saying he'll change into something lighter here in the room. Once inside I quickly lock the door behind me before taking off and throwing aside my old clothes. Once the dress is in place I take my hair out of the bun I made earlier and give myself a look in the mirror. I can't help but grin slightly, loving this outfit. It hugs my figure in all the right places and I can't help but wonder what Matt's reaction will be once he sees it.

I peek through the door, opening it just an inch to make sure that Matt's done changing as well when I notice him sitting on the side of the bed. A grim expression on his face as he looks down at his phone murmuring something to himself, I can't quite hear.

'What are you doing?'

I ask distressed, not understanding why his mood would've gone sour so rapidly. His head instantly dashes up once he hears my voice, quickly putting the phone away as he murmurs frustratedly.

'It's nothing...'

'Doesn't look like nothing.'

I comment, leaning against the doorframe pondering what it could be that he's trying to hide from me.

Ghost from the past  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now