#Eight: In which he expected things to go differently.

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'Well that wasn't too bad, was it?'

Rebekah chuckles softly as Lexi storms out of the kitchen, her hair swaying behind her. Walking up the stairs while she's cursing like a sailor who just stubbed her toe. She's sexy as hell when she's mad... I can't help but laugh as I turn back to her and say.

'She's still feisty, that's for sure...'

She crosses her arms, raising her eyebrows as she looks me all over and huffs.

'Only whenever she's with you.'

I can't help but smile at the thought. I like that I'm the only one that can rile her up like this, it's what we do. But even though Rebekah is trying to play it off as just another fit, I could see she really wasn't pleased to see me. I bite my lip as I take my phone out of my pocket to see there's a message from the realtor. I look back up at Rebekah as I mutter.

'He found another shop we could take a look at tomorrow afternoon. Wanna come?'

'I would've liked that! But since you pulled me out of work this morning when you called, I told my client I would reschedule with him tomorrow at four. Lucky for you he had a day off, as did I. Otherwise, you would've been stuck in your car, with all of your junk, for the rest of the day. Idiot.'

She groans tapping her feet in irritation. I raise my hands innocently as I chuckle.

'I wanted to surprise you!'

'Hey! I'm stoked you're here, but you could've at least given me a heads up...'

'You missed me, didn't you?!'

I joke as I rub my knuckles on her hair while she tries to fight me off and yells as she pinches my armpit.

'Of course, I did. You bloody moron!'

I wince slightly pulling her arm away, holding her so she can't grab me anymore as I say.

'Good. Now tell me all about that Tyler guy who stole your heart.'

She laughs ripping herself away from my grasp, sitting back down on the counter as she starts telling me all about her lover...

We continue catching up until the break of dawn. Talking about all sorts of stuff. Lexi ended up texting Rebekah that she wasn't going to make it home for the night. Eventually, the both of us ended up falling asleep on the couch.


The next day we're both up late, due to a lack of sleep. After drinking some coffee I turn to Rebekah as I mutter.

'Can I take a shower?'

She looks lifting up an eyebrow, muttering in a sarcastic tone as she puts down her spoon.

'What else were you gonna do? Become a caveman, reeking like a dumpster while you live here? Of course, you can use the bathroom!'

I chuckle thanking her again for letting me stay here before I walk upstairs. Once I put on the water in the guest room I find out the drain is clogged. Just my luck. After trying to fix it for half an hour I yell to Rebekah who's downstairs in the living room.

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