#Thirty-three: In which she lets the darkness run wild.

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What~ the~ fuck... I numbly think to myself. Blinking rapidly as I rewind the tapes for the third time in a row. This wasn't what I was looking for when I searched through the security footage. And I most definitely wasn't expecting it either! The second I spotted that brown wavy hair on camera I couldn't help myself, I had to watch. Anger had gotten to me at first and with my long nails I nearly scratched a crooked path into the wood of the table I was sitting at. But right now I could only gape in front of me in utter shock. He said he loved me... Correction, he'd yelled, screamed, and roared he was in love with me. I shake my head once again focusing on Matt as he burns that bitch Charlotte to the ground, my heart thundering in my chest. This time a single tear rolls down my cheek, not from anger or fear but joy instead.

'I love you too, doofus! That's why I need you to wake up soon...'

I whimper, brushing away the salty droplet from my skin. I take a deep breath forcing myself to focus again on the task at hand. Finding clues about what happened to Matty, and why. I fast forward until I see him leaving the shop and continue to watch for another few minutes until I see the nose of a black car stop before the shop. Now that's suspicious... I mumble to myself since the rest of the car doesn't get into the frame so I can't see much more besides the fact that the car engine never shuts down. Instead, it slowly drives off about ten minutes later. The window rolls down, and a piece of black metal flashes against a few rays of sunshine just before it drives out of the camera line once again.

'This has to be the car the police were talking about.'

I grumble to myself not able to see anyone's faces inside the car, just darkness. The time frame fits perfectly since it's only seconds before Matt got shot. There's one other thing that catches my attention though, the car doesn't seem to have any license plate. Great. I groan feeling slightly defeated. Just as I'm about to give up and change tactics, my phone starts buzzing beside me. *Don't worry, Matt is still stable and fast asleep. No news there. But I thought over what you said and I remembered Matt had been acting really weird this morning when he was on the phone... It happened during our break, just after I walked away. I'm not sure if you can hear what he said, but maybe it'll be of use? Xoxo Bheks* I send her a quick reply, telling her I saw the car that shot Matt stake out before the shop. This is a piece of information that certainly throws the police's theory right out of the window. It wasn't just a random shooting. I also inform her I can't make out any more than that, but that I'll contact her as soon as I find out something else.

Once again I rewind the footage of the shop, this time going back even further as I take a sip of my awful-tasting drink. As soon as I see Rebekah standing next to Matt, both watching the television as he chews on his lunch I press play. As if on cue Rebekah walks off and the shop phone starts ringing. He's polite at first, but within a split second his face darkens. I put it on full volume, straining my ears to hear what he's saying.

'...dare you call ... number?! What ... companion ... the phone?'

I grunt frustratedly, having trouble hearing him clearly but decide to continue listening in the hope I can put the puzzle pieces together.

'I'll have half ... money by ... day, the rest will ... thirty days. Gotta go.'

Money? Is he in debt or something? I wonder as I watch him hang up the phone in a hurry before Rebekah comes back into view. I watch for another minute or two as he tells her some shitty story of it being the bank on the phone and it doesn't take a genius to notice he's talking out of his ass. The look in his eyes reminds me of when he went in full denial back in the hotel room. He was looking at his phone then too... If he was in trouble why didn't he ask for help? I huff a sigh, rubbing my temples before closing the laptop and pulling out his phone. I dragged it out, hoping it wouldn't have to come to this. I hate having to go through his phone, knowing I wouldn't appreciate it either if someone went nosing in my business. It takes me another few minutes, staring blankly at the dark screen before I muster up the courage to actually unlock it.

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