#One: In which she'll think it's just another day.

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Groaning I wake up, already waving my hand in the direction of the snooze button. Even though music is my alarm and my life, I still hate that damn sound in the morning! For heaven's sake! I feel like shit! I turn myself over, gripping the ends of my blanket in the hope I don't have to get up already. My eyes scan the bedroom and I can see the sunlight peeking through my curtains already. Urgh, I really should get out. I need to talk to Rebekah before I head over to work... 

I drag myself to the edge of the bed, when I finally convince myself that I can't stay underneath the comfort of my sheets all day long and I decide to get out. I throw them aside and sit up straight, my legs dangling over the edge of my king-size bed. Slowly I rub my eyes thinking about what I have to do today. First I need to get dressed, I can't go outside in my shorts and crop top. The paparazzi would probably love it, though... I drag my feet across my bedroom into the bathroom and turn on the hot water before slipping out of my clothes before hopping into the shower. 

A couple of minutes later, I dry myself off and wrap my hair into the towel as I walk to my closet. It doesn't really bother me that I'm naked. I mean, my twin sister could be the only one to walk in on me. It isn't like she hasn't seen it all before, since we're identical twins and all. The only difference between us is, that I've got long blonde curls and she's got brown hair instead. That, and the fact that her body is covered in the most amazing tattoos. Which makes total sense since she's a tattoo artist herself. She's been trying to get me a tattoo for ages now. Believe me, I'd love to get one. It's just that I can't decide what I would want to get tattooed. And then there's also the underlying fear of that damn needle and the pain that comes with it.

As I walk into my closet I start looking for my favorite outfit, Delphine, my blood-sucking manager, told me I need to dress up. Not that that actually means anything, since the paparazzi won't leave me alone since I brought out my first album a couple of months ago. After a minute or so I find my favorite top. It's black now shorter at the front and longer in the back loose crop top, it used to be a form-fitted short dress with long sleeves from Ed Hardy. Custom cut for me by Adem Saaks which is why it now looks like a loose crop top, instead of a short dress. In the front it looks like a pretty simple piece with some cuts around the sleeves, aside from the fact that Adem nearly cut off half of the dress, working its way to a slightly longer back. But when you look at the back the whole thing is cut over and over again, from left to right. This means my entire back is exposed, aside from my bra and the threads that hang from the edges of the shirt, some of them even reaching over my butt. Luckily Los Angeles weather agrees with my clothing choices. I giggle to myself. If I could, I would eat, sleep, and breathe in it all day long. My eyes scan through the piles of jeans and eventually spot one of my favorites. A slight grin appears on my face as I pull out my skinny jeans with army print. I finish my outfit with a leather jacket, a high pair of black velvet pumps, and a couple of gold bracelets.

I quickly rush back into the bathroom and put on some make-up and style my hair.
Not that I can do much with it. My wild curly locks basically can't be tamed, so I just rock it... I walk across the hallway to my sister's bedroom. From all the noise I heard last night, I'm positive that she's still knocked out cold. Damn Bhek's! I grunt. I can still reek the alcohol through the whole damn house from your party last night. When I'm in front of the door I don't hesitate and swing it right open as I yell.

'Good morning little miss sunshine!
Get your ass out of bed, you've got a couple of appointments today!'

I walk across the bed straight to the window and throw the curtains open.

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