𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓽𝔂

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[Technoblade x Male Reader]

-The angst that comes with war
-maybe spoilers
-Manberg/Pogtopia War Arc spoilers
-character death but not you yourself

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Realistic Minecraft

3rd POV:
  (M/n) starred at the utter chaos before him, his eyes wide and filled with emotion that could only be described as dread and complete fear. The man he had fallen in love with, in just the short amount of time that they were planning to dethrone the tyrant Jschlatt, was making a speech about Theseus to Tommy. The younger was just awestruck, one could tell he felt betrayed by the man before him but (M/n) could understand where the pinkette was coming from. The rest of Pogtopia basically used him... Treated him like nothing but (A weapon sugar daddy-) a man who received supplies for them. He knew the anarchist was feeling betrayed himself, watching the group he even considered just the slightest bit as friends, form a new government right before his eyes. They all knew he was an anarchist. 'Fuck, I didn't think they'd form a knew Hades be damned government! I thought it would finally be over, that we would all just be done! Cause obviously Government wasn't the way to go for this country!' (M/n) thought as he watched Techno place skulls on the soul sand.

"Techno! Wait please! They're only children!" The (h/c)nette shouted over the chaos, still caring even thought he himself was angered over the new government forming, he still cared about the kids. He could see Techno turn towards him, though he could catch  the smallest glimpse of those blood red eyes through the boar mask, and he could tell the man was glaring. "They wanted to be heroes, (M/n)," an crazed grin passed over his normally emotionless face. "They can die like them too!" He shouted, spawning two withers right before everyone's eyes.

  The muffled screams coming from the others seemed to slowly fade out as (e/c) met red, the two men having a conversation all on their own. (M/n) sighed and finally gave in, throwing an enderpearl he had on him in the direction of those who were fighting the withers. Pulling out his nether it's sword and stabbing it into Quackity, causing the other to cough up the blood that bubbled up his throat. The raventte turned his head slowly to glance at his now ex-comrade, the one he trusted the most out of all of them and the one who quite literally stabbed him in the back. "(M/n)...?" He gurgled before falling to the ground dead. Those who were around, being Eret; Tommy, tubbo, Nikki, and Fundy, saw the whole thing. The (h/c)nette ripped the sword from the lifeless body of Quackity, seeing it poof into the air, whipping his sword toward the ground causing the blood on it to splatter off. The man never knew how fun it could be to cause a bit of chaos,  but he pushed down that feeling to stare at the others before him, his features blank of any emotions. Fundy was the first to snap out of the shock, charging full speed with his axe raised. (I will admit, I'm not the best when it comes to fight scenes) (M/n) felt his hair shadow his eyes as he closed them, a smirk pulled at his lips as he blocked the fox hybrid. "This should be fun~" he hummed, any feeling of guilt soon leaving him, he betrayed Pogtopia and was officially done with everyone's shit. He kicked Fundy away from him and charged, hearing the blast of fireworks behind him and the explosions coming from the withers. "DOWN WITH THE GOVERNMENT!" He shouted.

Time Skip (Brought to you by the sleep deprived Author who has no idea what the fuck they're doing)
  (M/n) winced in pain as he held the open wound on his side. Eret, the damn (But very much amazing) bastard surprise attacked him while he was attacking a newly respawned Quackity. The (h/c)nette had ran out of gapples and potions long ago, now only having half his health left with a chunk of the rebel group surrounding him. He was cornered like a wild animal, and they knew what happens when you corner a wild animal. Just before (M/n) could attack, he was met with the blood red cape of Technoblade, the man standing infront of him with his crossbow raised. The man shot everyone until they all poofed, showing that they went back to their respawn point. The pinkette turned to (M/n) quickly, kneeling down to pick him up.

  "I think we caused a good amount of damage to make them think twice about forming a government for now, lets get out of here." He said, throwing his trident into the rain. The (h/c)nette didn't even know it had started to rain, feeling the adrenaline pumping in him, numbing some of the pain in his side. "Agreed.." He muttered, his amrs going limp as he slowly shut his eyes. "Hey now, keep those pretty eyes open for me, (M/n). We're almost back at the base, just hang on a bit longer." Techno said, his monotonous voice laced with a bit of panic. (M/n) hummed in response, feeling his health bar lower by the second. He couldn't keep himself conscious for very much longer and he knew that. "Have to tell you," He said weakly, feeling the grip that was holding him tighten. "Have to tell you something before-" Before he could finish, Techno interrupted him. "Save your energy, Nerd."

  "No... Let me say it asshole." The injured man said bitterly, weakly smacking the chest of the other who was still flying through the sky. "I love you for infinity Tech...no...." He felt the other tense as he finally lost the battle to keep his consciousness. He heard Techno's muffled shouts as his vision faded black.

Another Timeskip to a week later (Or at least after Techno and Philza Take Hubert and Moon to the new base/home)
  After a week of resting, (M/n)'s eyes finally fluttered open, his vision blurred as he searched the unfamiliar surroundings. He felt panic strike through him as he jolted up, about to get out of the comfort of what could be a strangers bed for all he knew before he saw the familiar pink hair of the man he fell in love with Enter the room. The other looked exhausted, his mask long been removed and the bags under his eyes more prominent than before. Techno didn't seem to notice the other man being awake, seemingly following some sort of routine he had set for himself. That was, until (M/n) let out a soft cough to gain the mans attention, causing the mans head to whip up so fast that the (h/c)nette thought he would've gotten whiplash from the amount of speed.

  "(M-M/n)..?" He said, disbelief clearly evident as he starred at the man sitting on the bed. "Uh hi." The other said, his tone awkward as he shifted a bit on the bed. Red eyes met (e/c), keeping a steady stare between each other before the (h/c)nette looked down. Just before he could say anything, he felt arms wrap around him in a tight embrace, causing him to softly smile. "Nerd. Didn't even stay awake long enough to let me tell you that I loved you back." The pinkette joked, making the other let out a chuckle. "Sorry about that. He said as he wrapped his arms around Techno's lower back, pulling him closer, just relishing in the contact. They stayed like that, sitting in a comfortable silence until they both laid down in the bed, (M/n) snuggling into the others chest as he fell back to sleep with Techno soon following after. Both content to be in the others arms as they slept for the rest of the day.

Hades that took a while to write if I'm being honest here. It's not my best work but what can I say, you really have to trust the process.
That being said, I do hope you all enjoyed!
Have an amazing morning/evening/day/night!
Please stay safe out there!

That being said, I do hope you all enjoyed!Have an amazing morning/evening/day/night!Please stay safe out there! Bye!!

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Next: Wilbur Soot

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