𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱

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[TommyInnit X Older Brother! Male Reader] [Eret x Male Reader]
Part Two of 'I miss the days'


(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color          
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

(M/n)'s POV
  All he could hear was ringing, his heartbeat racing as he ran off the stage. He was met with Eret, who looked worried as they saw the fear in (M/n)'s eyes. "Eret He's here! Tommy's here," his breaths were coming out in quick puffs. "He came!" He had tears pooling in his eyes, his voice trembling as he spoke in disbelief. "Darling, I know, but right now I need you to calm down for me. Can you do that?" She asked as she placed a hand gently on the shaking mans cheeks.
  (M/n) realized that he was basically hyperventilating. "Y-yeah, yeah I can uh," he coughed. "I can do that." He breathed in and then out, hearing his breaths even out. Looking back up, he smiled and felt genuine happiness. "He's here.."
  "Yeah, he is my love. Now go find him before he thinks you don't want to see him."

  And (M/n)  did just that, running through the maze of back hallways until he made it to the meet and greet. Sliding to a stop, he frantically looked around, trying to spot the familiar golden hair that used to glow under the suns ray. "TOMMY?!" He shouted, the fear that the boy already left pulling inside him when he couldn't see his brother. "(M/N)!!" He heard from behind him. The man whipped around, seeing his brother with three other men behind a few security guards. One was holding Tommy back from running towards the man and he felt like he was going to cry again. "LET THEM THROUGH!" He yelled, his voice cracking as he did so. The guards hesitated before doing as they were told, Tommy charging full speed now with the other three who were with him following close behind.
  (M/n) opened his arms just in time to catch the boy and held him tight and swinging him around. "Gods, Sunshine.." He said, running his hand through Tommy's curls and just breathing him in. He was crying at this point, he knew Tommy was too judging by the wetness on his shoulder. "I thought you forgot about me.." The boy sobbed, clinging to his older brother like the man would disappear. "I could never, I just.." He paused, taking a shaky breath. "I couldn't track you done, and trust me I tried. But I got in contact with Sam and he told me you were with the Soot's and I had him give you the tickets.." He explained, pulling away to finally get a good look at his younger brother before looking over his head to the group. "I uhm, I wanted to thank you.." He said, looking at all of them and smiling. "Thank you for adopting him and taking care of him. Truly. I'm so glad he found a good home."
  "Mate," the short blonde man spoke, taking a step forward. "You don't have to thank us. I wish someone would've told me about you, so we could at least get in contact with you sooner." His voice was gentle, fatherly. (M/n) assumed he was the dad, filing that information away. "I'm Phil," he smiled, pointing to the other two behind him. "The brunette with the beanie is my oldest, Wilbur. The pink haired one is Techno," he turned back to (M/n). "It's nice to meet you."
  "The pleasure mine," he shook Phil's hand while still holding Tommy who clung to him like a koala. He felt a tap on his shoulder behind him, making him jump. His heart beat rose as he turned, only to see his Lover Eret. "Hello, love, sorry for running off like that I'm sure I worried you." He said as the other leaned down and simply kissed him. "Darling, trust me, I was fine. Though please don't do that again  after almost having a panic attack." He chuckled, kissing the top of the mans head. "Wait you almost what?!" Tommy shouted, jolting back to look at his brother. (M/n) chuckled nervously. "Nothing to worry about Toms, promise.."
  Phil shook his head with a amused huff while Wilbur laughed behind him. Techno stepped forward and held his hand out. "Y'know this means you're family now, right? You're stuck with us kid." The man said as (M/n) shook his hand with a grin. "Not a kid but I think I'd be okay with having more family," He turned to Eret. "What do you think, Love?" He got a smile in return. "That would be wonderful, the more the merrier! OH," he turned to everyone and finally thought to introduce themself. "I'm Eret! I use all pronouns and I'm that nerds lover, pleasure to meet you all!"
  "YOU GOT A LOVER BEFORE ME?!" This time Tommy shouted, and (M/n) rolled his eyes. "Tommy I'm older than you by 4 years older than you, yes I got one before you." He said, making everyone chuckle. "Yeah Toms, you gremlin, you're but a mere child." Wilbur added, erupting more laughs from their ragtag group. "Whatever.. AND I'M NOT A GREMLIN OLD MAN!" "WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD!?"
  The two continued to banter while everyone watched, enjoying their time together.
  And (M/n) was happy, a grin slapped on his face big enough to make his cheeks hurt.
  He felt whole again, letting Tommy go and continue to yell at Wilbur who only smirked at him.
  Eret wrapped an arm around (M/n)'s waist and he leaned on their shoulder.

Yeah... He was whole.

Yikes okay, this isn't the best but it's what I could come up with while watching Spider-Man.
I hope you enjoyed this little part two!
I do hope you have an amazing morning/day/evening/night!
And I will see you, dear readers, in the next one!

 I hope you enjoyed this little part two!I do hope you have an amazing morning/day/evening/night! And I will see you, dear readers, in the next one!

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Next: GeorgeNotFound

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