E⃞   n⃞   e⃞   m⃞   y⃞

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[Wilbur Soot x Singer! Male Reader]

-None BUT this is a Band AU

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

(M/n)'s POV:
  He could hear his heart pumping in his ears, the soft rhythm calming his nerves as he sat in his dressing room. (M/n) could feel the anxiety seep out of his very pores as he waited for the the Stage Manager to knock and tell him he was on. The thing is, he was originally a normal twitch streamer who sang on a few lives and even did a few gigs at a pub or two but...
'How did I manage to be the opening band for LoveJoy?' He thought to himself, wringing his hands together as he saw even his band mates buzzing with anxiety. He turned to them, a nervous smile playing on his lips. "You boys excited?" He asked, keeping his voice playful. He could see Sapnap biting his bottom lip as he looked up from his phone, most likely going over the lyrics again. "More nervous than anything." He muttered whilst turning his gaze back his phone. Quackity and Karl in similar states. Both Quackity and (M/n) we're going to be the main singers, Quackity rapping Karl on Guitar and Sapnap on drums. They were all scared to mess up, they're type of music so different but also similar to Lovejoy's. "We just have to stay positive you guys! If we believe we can do it!" Karl chimed in, the ever positive member of their little ragtag band. Quackity smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah!" He cheered just as a knock came from the door. The Stage Manager smiled as she entered, closing the door behind her. Her blonde hair typed up in a pony tail. "Hey boys, you ready to go on?" She asked, her voice calming compared to their raging nerves. "Yeah, We're reading to go on Nikki." (M/n) said, his own smile turning into a now calm one. "Good, you have five minutes to get to stage right, you guys will be amazing!" She said before exiting. They all let out a collective sigh, standing from their spots and making their way towards the stage.
  Though, (M/n) was stopped by someone causing the man to turn. His (e/c) hues widened at the sight of the lead singer of LoveJoy standing before him. "Can I talk to you a quick second?" He asked, his British accent soothing to (M/n)'s ears. The shorter of the two nodded, turning to his confused looking band mates. "I'll see you guys at stage right," He smiled to try and sooth any concern. "Make sure to drink some water before going on, don't want any sore throats now do we?" He said, ever the mother hen. They all nodded and went back to walking making (M/n) turn back to the tall brunette who was smiling warmly at the shorter.
  "What can I do for you?" He asked, his head tilting, he was confused on what Wilbur would want from him before he went onto the stage and why it couldn't wait until after. "This probably isn't the best time to ask but..." The brunette paused, a faint red reaching his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I was wondering If you would want to get to know each other after the concert? Maybe go to dinner?" The question caused (M/n) to blush and sputter for a moment, trying to find words to respond with. He was shocked that this talented singer would even want to speak to him, he wasn't anything special so why- "Cause you seem interesting, wait you think I'm talented?" (M/n) slapped a hand over his mouth, his cheeks growing darker. 'Oh jeez I said that out loud.'  He internally panicked as he avoided eye contact. "Hey, it's okay darling. You don't have to say yes now, but give it some thought and let me know after all this. No rush, also you should probably get going. You're about to go on." Wilbur's warm smile never left his lips as he gestured to the stage. (M/n) simply nodded and turned to run towards his band mates, quickly shouting over his shoulder. "I'll take you up on your offer Pretty boy." He said, happy he didn't stutter over his words as he turned back to continue running. He missed how Wilbur's face turned a shade of red that could rival a rose, the brunette raise a hand to cover it before he walked off to his own band mates.

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