𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎

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[Bench Trio x Father Figure! Male Reader]

-Mentions of Past Trauma
-basically just hurt/comfort

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style
(Y/L/A)= Your living area
(U/N)= Username

Third POV:
(M/n) knew that something was off with his boys, and judging past events, he could understand why. All three of them were dealing with their trauma in unhealthy ways, Tubbo delving into building his nukes; Ranboo was off getting some stuff from different mystery mansions and gathering materials he thought he needed, and Tommy... 'Gods Tommy... That poor boy needs a break. They all do.' The (h/c)nette thought as he walked down the prime path lost in his thoughts. "What could I do to help them..?" He mumbled outloud, raking through his brain to try and figure a good stress reliever. "Throw a party? No, no, that'll send Tommy into a spiral. Camping? Then we'd have to worry about mobs, even creepers. That'll only make Tubbo and Tommy hurt," He scratched the back of his head and bit his lip. "Maybe I could sing to them? That helped Ranboo calm down once.. Or we could leave..? Leave this Smp behind and go find a new one? Maybe even make our own? That could work? The bee duo could bring Michael and Tommy could bring Shroud!" (M/n) smiled at that idea, finally being able to leave this hell hole would be a dream come true. Not like anyone would try to stop them, and even if they did, they would have to go through (M/n) first. "Okay," he let out a soft sigh as he approached the tube to snowchester. "Now to bring up the idea to the boys." He said nervously, fiddling with his long sleeve before throwing on a jacket.

When he arrived at the mansion, he could feel his nerves bubbling over. 'If they say no then we won't talk about the subject again. But if they say yes, we're going to have to pack quickly and say our goodbyes to those who actually care enough about them to be considered friends.' He thought as he knocked on the door. As soon as he knocked the second time the door swung open to reveal Tubbo in all his glory. He had the brightest grin, one that could rival the sun if you asked (M/n). "DAD! You're here!" He yelled as he barreled into the older man making the others laugh. "Heya Tubs! How've ya been since I saw you yesterday?" The man asked, hugging the younger in a bear hug. The teen rattled on about how he and Ranboo we taking Michael out for a walk and they ran into Tommy and Shroud. (M/n) nodded along, a warm smile on his features while they both walked into the living room where they all sat down. Ranboo had Michael in his arms while Tommy was sitting with Shroud. "So Pops, why did you want us all to meet today?" Tommy asked, his tone full of cautious curiosity. 'At least he sounds like he's getting better, but who knows how long this peace will last. Wilbur is already trying to get his claws back in the poor kid..' He knew he looked angry after that lost thought, noticing how Tommy tensed up at his expression. (M/n) took a deep breath to calm down before turning to look at them with a serious look. "I wanted to propose something to you boys, and know that I won't be mad no matter what you choose." He said, looking at the varying looks on the youngsters. They all nodded for the older to continue, though they looked concerned. "How do you feel about us leaving?" He asked.

The silence between them all was heavy as the boys looked at their father figure shocked. "As in...?" Ranboo started, his grip tightening on Michael. "As in leaving the server? For good?" Tubbo asked, moving to hold Ranboo's and Tommy's hands. (M/n) nodded, his lips pulled into a thin line as he looked at his hands in his lap. "Yes, I know that this server hasn't been treating you right-" "That's an understatement." Tommy snorted, his gaze turning into a glare. "Exactly. And I just know that there is someplace better for you boys. There are actual peaceful servers were you wouldn't have to worry about war, there wouldn't be conflict or anything. Just peace..." The man said whilst turning his gaze back to his sons, trying to decode their expressions. "And if you want to stay, then that's your choice and I'll help all of you against whoever comes to harm you no matter what. I just want you boys to be safe, to feel safe. No matter where you are or who you're with." He finished, the silence returning. They seemed to all have been mulling over his words in their heads.

Tommy was the first to agree with a smile, his eyes lighting up at the thought of finally getting out of the server and escaping the people that he once thought as friends and family. Ranboo was next, already standing and setting Michael down, mumbling that they would need to prepare. Tubbo was the last, happy to see the truth in (M/n)'s words. "When do we leave?" The brunette asked, standing to stretch. "Today. That means you guys are going to have to pack quickly, say goodbye to those you think would need one. We'll meet back here okay?" (M/n) said, standing as they all nodded and went to go back. "I'll go with Tommy and Shroud to get their things. Tubs and Ranboo you guys pack all the things you think you'll need, don't pack anything that's not worth taking. Make sure you have your enderchests and essentials." He said as he and Tommy walked out the door. The two nodded as they waved goodbye before quickly scurrying off the pack. (M/n) smiled at them and quickly turned to see an excited Tommy already walking quickly to the Tube with Shroud in his arms. "C'mon old man we have to hurry if we want to leave before sundown!" Tommy shouted making (M/n) Laugh at the boys antics. "I'm coming, I'm coming, hold your horses."

'They'll finally be free, he and his boys. They can finally have peace..'

Another one shot down! Hell yeah!
I hope you enjoyed! Please have an amazing morning/evening/day/night! Stay hydrated and make sure to eat something, however small it has to be! I love and adore you all and will be seeing you in the next one-shot! BYEEEEE!!

~~~~~~~Another one shot down! Hell yeah! I hope you enjoyed! Please have an amazing morning/evening/day/night! Stay hydrated and make sure to eat something, however small it has to be! I love and adore you all and will be seeing you in the next on...

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Next: Quackity

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