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[Technoblade x Male Reader]

-spoiler's for Technoblade' s lore
-cannon typical violance
-Major Character Death
-hurt/no comfort
-dealing with loss
-all in all this is just sad so be prepared

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV
  The air reeked of anxiety, that's what (M/n) thought at least as he stood next to Phil. He stared forward towards the factions of people gathered in front of the prison to stop Dream from leaving. "Phil, there's too many of them. How are they gonna get past them all?" He asked the elder who kept his blue eyes trained on the hole Techno dug to get into the prison. "We just have to hope and step in if those idiots get overwhelmed, mate. For now, we wait to give Nikki the signal." Phil whispered back, keeping the other hidden under his wing as they stood where the horses where hidden. "I just have a bad feeling about this.."
  Soon after (M/n) spoke, chaos erupted. Both men turned to see Techno and Dream fighting off the crowd while Ranboo and Connor- "What the hell is Connor doing there?" (M/n) asked as he shuffled forward. "I don't know but I'm going to go signal Nikki," Phil moved from their hiding spot but blocked (M/n) from following. "Stay here, Mate." He said as he ran to the stop of their little hill to set of a firework.
  (M/n) only moved to watch before he felt a prescience behind him, he jerk around just in time to block Ant from hitting him. "Ant? What are you doing?!" He yelled, dodging each blow that Ant threw before getting overwhelmed. "Taking you as a hostage." The hybrid growled, knocking (M/n) sword from his hand and  cuffing him. "Now come with me or else I tell Sam to kill Ranboo." (M/n) froze at the mention of the youngest member of the syndicate. "Fine, but don't think you'll get away with this." Ant smirked as he dragged (M/n) out of the small bunker and towards Sam who yelled at Dream to return to his cell.
  Sam saw (M/n) and sighed with a small amount of relief, releasing Ranboo and muttering something in the teens year. (M/n) could see the younger shaking, close to tears as he ran in a direction the opposite of the prison and he felt himself relax some. "Now that we have you, (M/n), they'll have no other choice but to come back." Sam said as he took over holding the male, Ant moving to charge back into the fight. "You know that won't work, if anything it'll only make Technoblade angry." (M/n) mumbled, keeping his head down and his eyes on the ground to not show how scared he was. He was never a fan of violence, always one to try and find a way towards peace. "Hmm I'd say otherwise..." Sam raised his sword to (M/n)'s neck and yanked the males head back by his hair, making said man cry out in pain. "TECHNOBLADE! Bring Dream back here or your precious (M/n) is dead, you hear me?!" Sam yelled over the chaos.
  Techno froze, turning his sights to his lover who was seemingly holding back his tears and Sam who held them at sword point. "Let him go Sam! Dream doesn't care about him! He doesn't care and he won't come back! Just let him go!" But the piglin's words fell on deaf ears as Sam moved his sword, raising it high into the air. "Last chance Technoblade!" "DREAM WON'T COME BACK! SAM HE DOESN'T CARE! I CARE-" But it was too late..

  Sam's sword flew through the air and (M/n) stood frozen before crumbling to the ground.

  Techno cried out and reached for his lover, charging forward and past all those who tried to stop him. Dream's yelling for him to just leave the other were nothing but a faint whisper compared to the roar of the voices. They wanted blood. Techno wanted blood. And blood he got as he used his axe to kill Sam.
  Silence fell over the people who realized who had happened, some going after Dream who just left Technoblade behind. The piglin knelt down and bundled (M/n) into his arms, he could hear to raspiness of the others breathing. "(M/n)? My love talk to me, can you hear me?" He asked desperately, searching his lover's eyes as they seemed to have dulled. "Tech...no..?" (M/n) rasped, looking up at Techno's red eyes as they held an emotion he's never seen on the other before. And he smiled. Soft and kind, filled with a warmth that could melt the coldest hearts. "It'll be okay! I promise, I have some healing pots, but I need you to drink them for me! Can you do that darling?" Techno quickly pulled out the potions before cursing as his hands shook, to unstable to open the bottle. He froze when a weak grip stopped him from opening it, he looked back at his lover. "(M/n)..?" "It's too late," (M/n) winced, but kept his eyes focused on his lover's. "For me Tech..." He could feel himself slipping but he held on, turning his gaze around to those who watched the duo with disheartened looks, some even holding pity and sadness. "No! Don't say that! You can't leave me, not like this!" Techno held onto (M/n) as he cried, clutching the others hand in his own trembling one. "It's..Okay.. We'll meet again," (M/n) pulled his hand from Techno's and raised it to weakly caress his cheek. "Either in this life or... the next..." (M/n) couldn't hold on much longer, darkness consuming his vision as his hand slipped from Techno's cheek. "I love.." He couldn't even finish before his final breath left him.
  Techno could cry as he held his lover's body, a scream ripping from his aching throat that shook the Esempi itself. The others cried as well, some for the loss of their friend and others for the loss of a special person who was kind to all. But for Techno, he cried for the loss of his other half, the one who could keep him stable, the one who he vowed to protect. And he would get his revenge.

Mmmmmm angst
You're welcome.
I will worn you that there will probably be more angst. Maybe a fluff as an apology.
Who knows!
I hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night.
I'll see you all in the next one!
Farewell dear readers!

 I'll see you all in the next one!Farewell dear readers!

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Next: Finals Week as a Christmas carol

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