𝔖𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱 𝔅𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔯𝔡

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[Quackity x Male Reader]

-Fighting (Argument)
-Toxic Relationship (Please read at your own risk)
-I'll make the next chapter fluffy I promise.

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style
(Y/L/A)= Your living area
(U/N)= Username

Third POV:
  'What. The. FUCK?!' (M/n) thought as he stormed down the halls to Quackity's office, his anger bubbling over making his vision go red. Once he arrived, he kicked the door off the hinges making Sam jump into action and Quackity stare as if it didn't affect him in the slightest. "Sam, leave us." The ravennette said, keeping his gaze on his angry lover. The creeper hybrid hesitated but nodded, making his way out of the room grumbling that he's going have to fix the door.

  "What do I owe the pleasure, Amor?" Quackity purred, leaning forward whilst leaning on his elbow. "Don't you 'Amor' me you manipulative son of a-"
"Now what's got you so angry this time? Hm? Cause if it's about how I'm running things again then you can go ahead and leave." (M/n) starred at his lover, a frown ever present on his features. "It's more like how your treating your workers, Quackity. Manipulating a minor, using Fundy, using something that happened to Tommy against Sam?! Oh and don't even get me started on Charlie! You're a Fool, you used to be so kind, what the fuck happened to you?! What happened to the man I fell in love with?!" The (H/c)nette slammed a fist down on Quackity's desk, his eyes tearing up with the roaring emotions he was feeling. An internal conflict was seemingly happening behind his (e/c) hues. "And? Business is Business. And as for me being 'kind'," The male stood from his chair and made his way to where (M/n) stood, grabbing his chin to make the male face him. "That man died when he got his heartbroken to many times to count, he died when he stopped loving himself, he died when he was trying to protect a country he loved only to have ended up with an ugly scar as a result. Don't come into my office, into my place of work, and tell me about manipulation. About how I treat my workers. About how I run things, cause you know there are people far worse than I. So unless you want to keep reminding me that I am a fool, or remind me where I fucking came from, or hell make me Love myself so that I just MIGHT love you then I suggest you get the fuck out of my office and out of my country cause I am not going to continue to listen to someone who is only going to whine and complain about how I fucking run things!" His voice came out harsher with each word, his grip only tightening as he finished.

  A loud slap rang through out the office, Quackity's head now facing the right and his cheek reddening by the second. He slowly looked back at his now crying lover, realization on what he had said suddenly striking through him like he had been struck by lightening. "(M/n), Amor, I-" "Save it. I'll see you at home." The (h/c)nette moved to leave only to feel a hand gently tug him back by the wrist. "Please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Quackity said, his voice coming out shaky as he looked into his lovers eyes. (M/n) felt his resolve crumble as he stared back into the mans dark hues, pulling him in for a hug. "I'm not doing this again, your on your last strike Alex, you hear me? You either change your ways of dealing with your business or I'm gone." (M/n) realized his own voice was shaking, he knew that Quackity wasn't going to change and he knew that he would stay with the man either way. It was a repeating cycle that would never break. "I promise, I'll try to change.." Quackity said, wrapping his arms around the others waist and tucking his head into the crook of (M/n)'s neck. The lovers stayed like that until night fell, holding each other while Quackity whispered apology after apology, making more excuses for his behavior until they both let go to go home.

"In the end, (M/n) is like a loyal dog. And you know what they say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks."

I will admit this chapter was absolute shit and shot, but hey it's something.
I do so hope you enjoyed and please remember that if your in a relationship with someone who physically/emotionally/verbally/or mentally abuses you, please know that you can leave them. They may try to stop you, but there will always be someone better out there for you, you may not find them right after leaving but there is someone better and life will get easier for you once you cut that toxic person off!
I hope you all have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!
Stay hydrated and please eat something!
I love and adore you all!

 They may try to stop you, but there will always be someone better out there for you, you may not find them right after leaving but there is someone better and life will get easier for you once you cut that toxic person off!I hope you all have an ...

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Next: Bench Trio Part 2

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