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[Wilbur Soot x Male Reader]

-Arguments (Family Wise)

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style
(Y/L/A)= Your living area
(U/N)= Username

(M/n)'s POV:
"Dad, please don't do this!" I sobbed, looking into the man I once called my father as he tore through my room like a hurricane. "No! No son of mine is going to be some fucking Fag!" He yelled, throwing my clothes onto my bed as he continued to scream at me. "You can't just kick me out for loving the same gender-" "I can and I will! It's supposed to be a man with a women! Not a man and a man! You're sinning and I will not have that in my house, am I clear! Grab your shit and get the fuck out before I do something that'll get me arrested!" I did as I was told quickly, grabbing my belongings and shoving them into my bags as more tears slipped from my eyes. I didn't think he would have this reaction after coming out, he never hinted that he was homophobic, at least not to my face. 'Why am I so surprised, the family follows the Bible like it's a life line.' I thought bitterly as I finished packing, my father standing at my bedroom door with a stern look. My mother gave my a look of pity, she didn't say anything after my coming out, of course she wouldn't. 'Dad's word is law..'

By the time I was fully finished my father escorted me out, not letting me say goodbye to my siblings or my mother. "Don't even think about coming back, or I'll call the cops for trespassing, am I clear?" The man grunted, giving a deadly glare that wouldn't even make the heavens shudder. "Yes sir..." I said, my tears have stopped but are threatening to come back as my voice trembled. "Good, now get off my property." He grunted, slamming the door in my face making me flinch. I turned away from the house and started walking, looking down at my phone and scrolling through my contacts for the one person who could help me. I was about half way down the block before actually getting the nerve to call, listening to the phone ring for what felt like hours but was only one minute.

Third POV:
A shaky sigh of relief escaped the (h/c)nette when he heard the familiar voice of Wilbur answer the phone. "Hello Darling, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, his tone playful only to turn serious when he heard the soft cries of his lover on the other end. "(M/n)? Hey what happened?" He grew more concern when he heard more crying, already shoving his feet into his shoes, keys in hand and out the door. "It's okay love, where are you?"
"Down the street from my house.." (M/n) croaked, scrubbing his eyes to try and stop the tears that continued to pour. "I came out to my family and I got kicked out as a result.." His tone was bitter as he kicked the fencing of some house, hissing when it hurt him more than helped. "Okay, I'll be right there Darling, stay on the phone until I do. Do you wanna tell me how this happened?" Wilbur kept his voice steady even though he was panicking when he realized it started raining. (M/n) looked up at the sky as it wept a sad smile playing onto his lips. "We were having our family dinner and I thought it would be a good idea to tell them about my amazing boyfriend, seeing as they asked if I had a girlfriend yet. My dear old pops said something dumb and the ensued an argument," he muffled a sob by pressing a hand to his lips, his tears cascading down his cheeks like a river. "He called me the devil and a-a-" He stopped, unable to say all the horrible things his father said. "It's okay darling, take some deep breaths for me." Wilbur said, understanding that the other felt hurt. "How about when we get home we cuddle and watch some Disney, hm? Forget about your family for a bit?" He offered, smiling when he heard a small laugh on the other end. "That sounds nice, thank you.." Wilbur hummed is response, pulling up on the street to see his lover sitting in the rain with his bags.

He quickly parked the car on the side and ended the call, jumping out of the car and running up to (M/n) only to engulf him into a hug. The taller whispered comforting words into the sobbing males ear, holding him tighter in his arms to show some semblance of comfort. "I got you, (M/n), it's okay." He whispered, pulling back so that he get a good look at his lover. Wilbur smiled sadly at the sight of (M/n)'s red rimmed eyes, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "Let's get you home so we can both get into some warm clothes, hm? Does that sound good?" He asked, running a thumb across his cheek. (M/n) nodded, leaning into the brunettes touch before pulling back to grab his bags with Wilbur's help. The put them in the trunk and got into the running vehicle, pulling back into the street to head back to Wilbur's apartment. The ladder gently grabbed the others hand and laced their fingers together, rubbing thumb over the cold flesh while (M/n) stared out the window, getting lost in his own thoughts. Wilbur glanced over at the other with worried looks until the finally arrived back home. "We're here bubs.." He said softly, squeezing his hand gently. "Hm?" (M/n) hummed, snapping out of his thoughts to see that they were in fact there. "Oh, I must have spaced out, sorry Wil.." He mumbled, not meeting his lovers chocolate hues, too afraid he'd start crying again. "It's alright, you have nothing to be sorry for. But let's get inside so we can warm up properly, I'm assuming you'll want (Your favorite warm drink)?" He got a nod and a soft smile in response. 'Good, at least he smiled.' He thought before getting out, moving to the back to grab (M/n)'s bags. The other did the same and they both went inside the building.

Only once they entered the apartment and took off their shoes did (M/n) feel the cold, shivering like the soaked person he was. "Go ahead into the bedroom and get changed into some of my clothes, I'll set the bags with yours by the dryer." Wilbur said, pecking (M/n)'s temple and handing him a towel before heading off to the laundry room. (M/n) did as instructed, drying his hair the best he could. He entered the bedroom and grabbed one of Wilbur's sweaters and some sweats, changing quickly and heading to the laundry room with his wet clothes.

Wilbur looked up at the other with a warm smile, holding his hand out to receive the wet clothes as they ere handed to him. "Go sit on the couch, I'll be there in a moment." He said, sending the other off. The brunette watched the other leave before turning back to the laundry with a scowl, his anger starting to get the better of him but he quickly reeled it in. 'I have to hold back, (M/n) needs me right now and it won't help him if I'm angry at his family right now.' He thought as he set the wet laundry (Excluding the set the you were wearing, that went into the dirty hamper) into the dryer, quickly turning it on and moving away. He moved into the living room soon after to see his boyfriend cuddled up with a blanket on the couch, already having his favorite Disney movie playing. Wilbur smiled and sat down next to the other, opening his arms for cuddles which (M/n) waisted no time accepting, moving to lay on top of the other. The brunette ran his fingers through his lovers hair, humming to the Disney song that played softly in the background. "Thank you.." (M/n) whispered, his voice so quiet that Wilbur almost didn't hear him. "I would do anything for you, (M/n). I love you so much more than you realize, and I'm sorry your family is full of complete Twats." Wilbur said, kissing the top of the now giggling male. "Still, I appreciate it either way. I love you too by the way." (M/n) said, moving his head to look Wilbur in the eye before leaning to kiss him. Wilbur smiled into the kiss, happy as can be that his boyfriend was feeling better even just a little bit.

'I still get a little scared of something, but I feel a little safer when I'm with you.'

ALRIGHTY! Another one shot down, and I'm pretty sure it's the longest one yet! Pretty proud of it if I'm being honest!
I do so hope you enjoyed and please make sure to eat something and hydrate today!
Have an amazing morning/evening/day/night!
I love and adore you all so much!

~~~~~~~~~ALRIGHTY! Another one shot down, and I'm pretty sure it's the longest one yet! Pretty proud of it if I'm being honest!I do so hope you enjoyed and please make sure to eat something and hydrate today!Have an amazing morning/evening/day/nig...

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Next: Bench Trio pt3

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