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[Philza Minecraft x Son! Male Reader]
[Technoblade x Platonic Partner! Male Reader]

-Conflict and basic Violence
-Good Parent Philza

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

(M/n)'s POV
  (M/n) couldn't help but feel as though something was wrong. Something in the air shifted when Technoblade returned back to the cabin without a certain young blonde, and he could see the anger in the others eyes. (M/n) turned to his father who shared a similar look of worry, the older man approached the hybrid with caution. "Techno? Mate? Where's Tommy?" Phil asked, placing a gentle hand on Techno's shoulder who shrugged it off. "Don't speak that Traitors name, Philza." He growled as he riffled through his chests.
  (M/n) winced as the hybrid threw things out of the chests, watching as his father moved to stand in front of him. "Mate, tell us what happened. We can't help if you don't talk to us-" "He choose L'Manberg, Philza! He choose the opposite side and left me alone against everyone. I got out just in time. Dream's on his way to discuss the plan to blow up that dump." (M/n) stepped out from behind his father, stepping forward far enough to touch Techno's arm. "Tech, hey, look at me." He said softly, (e/c) eyes meeting red. "Breathe. Take a step back and Breathe. Dream will be taking his time getting here and you need to get control over chat, don't want to have a blood bath too soon." He tried to joke at the end, keeping his hand firm on Techno's arm to try and be an anchor for the hybrid. Techno nodded, letting out a tense sigh as he leaned his head against (M/n)'s shoulder. "Thanks nerd.." Techno mumbled, nuzzling into the others neck. "No problem Tech.."
Philza coughed from behind them, an eyebrow raised as he watched their little moment. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have some business to get to." Just as he said that, a knock came from the door causing everyone to tense up. "I'll get it." (M/n) said, quickly moving to the door before anyone could stop him. Once he opened it, he was met with a porcelain mask that showed a permanent smile. "Dream, I would say it's a pleasure but considering everything that's happening..." (M/n) trailed off as he gazed turned to the floor, he stepped aside for the other to walk in. 'Lucky I don't fucking stab him for what he did to Tommy.. Well that doesn't matter anymore, does it?' He thought bitterly, closing the door behind the man. "Good to see you too, (M/n)." He said while the door shut behind him, keeping his tone light.
(M/n) listened soon after, the others speaking of a plan that involved a lot of tnt and withers. "But we need a distraction, don't we?" Philza added, his hand on his chin as he looked down at the map on the table. "That's where (M/n) and Techno come in-" "No." The sharpness in Philza's voice made (M/n) turn to his father. "No? Why not?" Dream asked, tilting his head. "We aren't putting my son out on a battle field, it risks his safety and he's on his last life." The older said, finality filling his tone. "But dad I want to help-" (M/n) tried but was quickly shot down by a pointed look from the blonde and Techno. He bites his lip and looks down. "Fine," Dream hummed, looking between the three of them. "Then we'll use Techno as a distraction. I'll need about 20 minutes to have everything fully set up, think you can do that?" He asked, turning to the hybrid in question. "Yeah, with the wolf army and the wither's that should be enough distraction. But Phil is gonna have to wait for my signal to spawn the withers." He said, getting a nod from Phil. "Good, then that's all. We'll begin at 3 tomorrow. Rest up for the night." Dream said and took his leave, leaving the others in a tense silence.
(M/n) swallowed before standing from his spot at the table. "I'll go start preparing potions and fixing your gear.." He said, quickly leaving for the basement. "(M/n)-" Techno called, but Phil held up a hand. "I'll go talk to him, you help get things ready from up here." He said, following his son below.

(M/n) fought back the urge to cry as more scenarios of what could go wrong raced through his mind. He tried to busy himself with grabbing empty bottles from chests before a hand gently grasped his wrist. He looked up to see his father, the mans blue eyes bored into his own, they shined with an emotion he couldn't name as they starred at each other for a moment. (M/n) blinked, pulling his wrist away and going back to what he was doing. "(M/n)-" "I'm fine dad, just go help Tech.." (M/n) said, not meeting his father's gaze. "Talk to me son, what's going on in that head of yours?" Phil asked, keeping his voice even as he watched his boy move around the room to gather materials.
(M/n) stopped, quickly wiping the tear that slipped down his cheek. "What if something goes wrong..? What if only one of you comes home or neither of you," he turned to face his father, a pained look on his features. "What if you leave me like Wilbur?"
Phil winced at the mention of (M/n)'s twin, but he stepped forward and pulled his remaining son into a hug. "We'll come home, we wouldn't ever leave you alone. Besides, we're tougher than you think." The older smiled, hearing his son let out a wet chuckle as he hugged him back. "You better old man, or I'm telling mom to bring you back." Phil pulled away from the hug to look into his boys eyes, suddenly going serious. "(M/n), jokes aside mate, I promise we'll come back in one piece." (M/n) smiled and nodded, wiping the remainder of his tears. "Okay.."

Another one down!
It's mostly wholesome cause I'm still in shambles over Quackity's lore today.
I hope you enjoyed it and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!
And I'll be seeing you in the next one-shot
Goodbye My Dear Readers

 I hope you enjoyed it and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!And I'll be seeing you in the next one-shotGoodbye My Dear Readers

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Next: Dream

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