𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐧

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[Technoblade x Male Reader]

-Aftermath of the Manberg vs Pogtopia
-Hurt/comfort? No comfort?

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV:
  The faint smell of TNT still hung in the air, dust flowing in the breeze as (M/n) stood with the Tommy and Tubbo, standing protectively in front of the two boys. The overwhelming feeling of fear and anger flowing in his veins as he stared over at Techno who held a wither's skull. "Technoblade, Don't do this." He said, tears welling up in his eyes. "We won already! You don't need to do this!" He tried to convince the hybrid to calm down, knowing the voices were demanding blood. "You see (M/n), I can't do that. You lot betrayed me, took my gear that I scrounged up for your little war, used me like I was some weapon..." Technoblade spoke, his voice as cold as ice as he stared into the (e/c) orbs of his now ex best friend and former love interest.
  (M/n)'s eyes widened as watched everything move in slow motion. Technoblade had placed the last skull onto the pile of soul sand, the screaming as the wither formed was nothing more than static as he kept eye contact with the man who is causing so much destruction. But he didn't have time to mourn over the loss of Techno, being shaken out of his shock by Tommy. "(M/n)?! What do we do?!" The blonde yelled, tears forming in his eyes as Tubbo stood behind him watching the Wither getting closer in horror. (M/n) clenched his jaw, taking a glance at the monstrous mob before them, quickly pulling both of the boys into a tight hug. "You have to take everyone and get as far away as possible," His voice was gentle despite the on coming threat. "I'll take care of the wither, okay? Just run." He pulled away and turned to face the thing that was already going for Quackity as he shot it with a bow. "B-But-" Tubbo tried to speak, tears leaking from his bandaged eye as (M/n) turned to them with a sad smile. "Run."
  That was last thing he said to the kids as he sprinted forward, pulling his bow out from his inventory. He caught of Techno watching him with a look of what could only be called shock but he paid the man no mind. "(M/n) WAIT!" He heard someone shout, seemingly desperate for the man to retreat. He ignored them as shot an arrow at the Wither, taking it's attention away from Quackity so that the other could run. "Get out of here Quackity!" He shouted as he shot another arrow, watching the health bar of the wither inch down. Quackity hesitated for only a moment before nodding, running to the others to help.
  (M/n) dodged the the Withers hits the best he could, his armor already low on durability but he didn't care.  Trading blow for blow with the monster, praying that the others got out as he moved. He missed how Techno moved to help, the man not wanting to see his best friend loose his last life from a wither he created. The. Hybrid shot up into the sky and plunged down, striking the wither with his trident bringing it about half health.
  (M/n) glared at the man but didn't saying anything, shooting another round of arrows until he had run out. Cursing under his breath, he pulled out his axe and charged forward with the a speed that could rival Dream. Close combat was never his forte but that didn't stop him, he and Techno continuing to strike the wither until finally it dropped its worthless nether star. (M/n) was panting as he knelt to a knee, using his axe to support his weight.
  He saw Technoblade move to approach but was stopped by a hand. Rising to his feet, (M/n) spat the blood in his mouth out onto the ground as he looked up at the other with tears in his eyes. "What were you thinking?!" He shouted, raising his axe to strike the pinkette, only for it to be met by a shield. "(M/n)-" Techno tried but kept having to dodge the others hits. "You could've gotten Tommy killed! You could've gotten me killed," He cried as he continued to strike at the shield until it broke. "Do you have Any idea what you've done?!"
  'I really fucked it up this time..' Techno thought as he watched the man rage on, tripping on some rubble and falling backward just as (M/n) swung down. The axe landed next to his head as (M/n) raised a fist to punch the other. Technoblade only closed his eyes, preparing for the strike. He knew he deserved it, he knew he messed up, and he was ready for whatever was to come from his actions.
  But the blow never came, the man cracked his eyes open to see tears slipping down the (e/c) hues he fell in love with. "Was it something I did? Was it my fault you spawned the wither? D-did," he rose with hands to wipe at his tears, trying to stop them to no avail. "Did I not do enough..?" He cried, Techno watching with guilt filled eyes. The pinkette shot up and pulled the other into a bone crushing hug, feeling (M/n) tensing at the others action. "It wasn't your fault, but mine," he squeezed tighter, already having a hard time before portraying how he was feeling into words. "And I put your heart on the line, not caring about how this would affect you. And I'm sorry for that." Techno spoke, trying not to stumble over his words. "B-But-" "But nothing, It wasn't your fault."
  Techno pulled away, starring into (M/n)'s eyes to gauge out his reaction, to try and understand what he was thinking. "I'll suffer the consequences of my actions, I'll leave. Exiling myself." (M/n)'s eyes widened at that, quickly shaking his head. "No, not without me-" "It's for the best, (M/n)-" Techno tried but got shut down by the other shaking his head. "You don't get to decide that, I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not."
  The pinkette sighed, exasperated as he rubbed his forehead before looking back up at (M/n). "Fine." He said, feeling arms quickly wrap around his neck. "Don't ever pull something like this again. I won't ever forgive you if you do." (M/n) grumbled, holding Techno close to him. "Okay.."

Another shite one, but I'm trying my best!
I hope you enjoyed!
Please have an amazing day/morning/evening/night and I'll be seeing you in the next one-shot!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Another shite one, but I'm trying my best!I hope you enjoyed!Please have an amazing day/morning/evening/night and I'll be seeing you in the next one-shot!!!BYEEEEEEEE

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