𝚁𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎

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[Wilbur Soot x Male Reader]

-mentions of loneliness
-classic chaotic twitch chat
-ranting via singing
-mentions of anxiety

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

(M/n) POV:
  Waking up at 6 am is never fun, I'll admit that, but when you work as a streamer part-time and an office job full time... I don't really have much of a choice. 'Stupid muffin eating Hades be damned ALARM-' I thought as I slammed my hand down on the device made from the underworld. I shuffled out of my oh so cozy bed and stumble into my bathroom to do my usual morning routine. Quick shower, beauty routine, brush them teeth, and get dressed for work. Now, usually I would be in a good mood to go to work, seeing as I get paid a seemingly steady amount but I've just felt this overwhelmingly pressure on me since I had a deadline to meet by the end of the day. My co-workers had piled everything onto me, and I being too nice to say no apparently, took it in stride. Big. Fucking. Mistake. The work load was too much and the stress was slowly piling up, the only thing that would let me get out some steam is being put on hold until the evening when I finally have everything done.
  "Why did I agree to do the work..?" I muttered to myself, exhaustion settling into my bones once more. I hear my phone release the familiar discord ringtone from my nightstand. "Who could possibly be calling me right now?" I shuffled over only to see the familiar icon of my oh so amazing best friend Wilbur Soot, grabbing the device and clicking accept as a shoved my feet into my shoes. "Hey Will.." I rasped, grabbing my keys and kissing my cat goodbye as I walk out.
  "(N/n)! Is this a bad time?" He asked, his tone shifting to slight concern. "No you're fine, I'm just leaving for work right now." I responded, walking down the apartment stairs, not before glaring at the out of order sign on the elevator. "Oh! Well, I was wondering if you were still streaming tonight?" I felt a tired smile cross my features, before giving a quick hum in response that I was indeed still going to stream. "Cool! Would you wanna play Minecraft with me and the boys (The boys being Toby, Tommy, Philza, and Techno.), after you do your usual song of the stream of course!"
  "Sure Wilby, Send me more info about it later okay?" I said, opening my car door and getting in. "Of course! I'll talk you later, darling!" He chirped, ending the call soon after. I felt my cheeks heat up some from the use of the pet name, leaning my head against my steering wheel. "Gods, why must you test me today?"

TIme Skip (Cause no one likes boring office work stuff)
  Slamming my door open, and seemingly scaring the absolute soul out of my poor cat, I stomped my way onto my apartment. "THOSE PRICKS! ABSOLUTE BLOODY TWATS!" I yelled, throwing my things onto the couch after closing and locking my door. I stormed into my room, changing into comfier clothes as I dropped down onto my gaming chair. "Who the fuck do they think they are, trying to steal all the credit for the work I did?!" I growled through clenched teeth, frustrated tears forming in my rage filled eyes. I tried to take some calming breaths, getting up once more to get a glass of water and a snack before I start stream. "I mean honestly, I put my bloody name on all of the work and they have the audacity to try and steal the credit! I've been working on everything for a fucking week for Hades Sake." I felt the rage bubble inside as I make my way back to my setup, setting my keyboard on the desk.
  After turning on my desktop and getting everything set up, I started my stream, forcing a smile onto my face so that the chat doesn't see that I'm completely frustrated with work and even myself. "Hello chat! Welcome back to another lovely stream!

(U/n)'s Live POG!

We honestly love to see our King!

Dream Smp x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now