L⃞   u⃞   c⃞   k⃞

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[SBI x Brother! Male Reader]

-Band AU!
-Literally Just fluff

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

(M/N)'s POV
  (M/n) was nervous, fiddling with his band mates hand as he watched out in the crowd to try and spot his family. "(N/n), it'll be fine. They'll be here." Eret said, pulling the other into their side. (M/n) still didn't feel any better, going to bite his nail until he felt someone grab his hand. He looked up to see Bad giving him a pointed look. "Don't bite your nails, you muffinhead, they'll end up bleeding again." The taller scolded, making (M/n) huff. "What if they don't show up? I haven't talked to them in years, what if their still mad? I mean I wouldn't hold it against them, with the way that I left.." He rambled, feeling his band mates pull him into a group hug. "If they don't show up then fuck 'em. You left to follow your dream, and if they were in your shoes they would have done the same." Eret said, rubbing circles on (M/n)'s arm. (M/n) nod, smiling up at the two which led them to return said smiles.
  They heard a voice overhead saying that they were on, making Bad cheer happily. "Let's do this you guys!" Eret grinned and cheered along with him, (M/n) laughing at the two.
  He took a breath.
  All three of them entered onto the stage. The cheers of their adoring fans starting up at the sight of the trio. And (M/n) smile, reaching for his mic. "Hello Everyone! We have something planned for you all on this lovely night, are you excited?" (M/n) grinned when he got a loud yes from the crowd, echoing through the stadium. "Hmmm I don't think we heard you, Did you guys hear them?" (M/n) turned to his band mates, Bad sitting at the drums and Eret standing with their guitar. "No, I think they could be a bit louder." Eret cooed, smirking as he leaned towards those in the nosebleeds. "You muffins could do better than that! Are you excited?" Bad asked, getting an even louder Yes from everyone once more. They all laughed and nodded to each other. "Then let the show begin.." (M/n) said, feeling his nerves dissipate as soon as the bass of the drum started and the strums of the guitar began.

Third Person POV
  There was a small family in the vip section, watching a man who was once one of them stand up on stage as if he was meant to be up there. Tommy was secretly excited, as the vibrations of the instruments flooded through him.

How can we make amends
When we said all we said
I call and you don't pick up

(M/n) didn't bother to look in the section his family was, too scared to see if they were even there. He tried to think about something else but his mind would always go back to that small fear inside him that they weren't there. That they were still mad about him leaving. That they would never forgive him for how he left things. But what he didn't know was that his father and mother were watching him with pride in their eyes, that his brothers were all secretly excited though one of the three was still holding onto a bitterness that would never ease.

How can I say instead
That I hope it's for the best
I won't, and I won't give up
I'm sorry MUMZA
I know I let you down
I'm sorry for how
I up and left this town!

  Kristen stared with wide eyes as she realized that her boy was feeling an unbelievable amount a guilt, a ache reaching her heart as she wanted nothing more than to bundle her son up in her arms and tell him that she was never angry for how he left to follow his dream.

How can we push aside
All the bad and make it right?
Now you got me all choked up..
I'm sorry brothers!
I know I let you down!
I'm sorry for how
I up and left this town!

Dream Smp x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now