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[Tommyinnit x Older Brother! Male Reader]

-Basic Angst
-Talk of past trauma
-The beginnings of War

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV:
(M/n) was on edge, his guard never going down as we walked on the prime path to Tommy's shack. He was worried for his younger brother, receiving a letter from Tubbo that another war was on the brim between the New L'Manberg and Techno, Phil, and even Dream himself.
He had heard that Tommy had been exiled, but he didn't know the extent of the trauma the younger could've gone through. Tubbo said in the letter that Tommy had stayed with Technoblade and Phil for a bit after he "Escaped" from Exile and that He choose New L'Manberg when he returned once more for the festival.
'What has been going in this country, where's Wilbur? Why hasn't Tommy or anyone for that matter told me what's going on...?' The man thought as he approached the dirt shack that looked like it was falling apart and would simply blow away at the slightest breeze. He approached the door cautiously, raising his fist to gently knock. "Tommy? You in there sunlight?" He asked, his concern growing more when he was met by the sound of panicked breathing. He quickly opened the door and stepped inside, seeing his younger brother curled up in the corner with his head in between his knees. "Tommy..?" He approached the boy slowly, as to not make him spiral more. "This isn't real, You're not really here! You would've came if," a shaky breath left past his laps as the blonde clutched his curls. "If you got my letters! Dream said he'd sent them out for me... Dream's my friend, he wouldn't lie to me. He promised he would send them for me!" The boy cried as his older brother knelt before him, not moving to touch him when he was in such a state. "Tommy? Tommy I'm here! I never got any letters since you came here with Wilbur-" "No! D-dream sent them! He said he did! He's my friend! But-but is he..?"
(M/n) was scared, he's never seen his Tommy like this before. 'Gods, what has he been through? What has this place done to his sunshine?!' He internally raged, scooting closer and leaning to attempt to catch the Blue hues that could rival the clear sky. "Thomas? Look at me," He gently grabbed the boys hand and placed it on his chest, right over his heart so the younger could feel it beating. "I'm here, I'm real, and I'm never going to leave you alone ever again. I'm you're older brother, remember? (Duo Name) Until the end, right?" He said, seeing Tommy's shoulders relax along with his breathing as he looked up. His eyes were red and puffy from crying for Gods knows how long. The blonde quickly reached forward, tackling the older in a tight hug.
"He said he sent them, (M/n)..." Tommy whimpered into his brothers chest. (M/n) wrapped his arms tightly around the blonde, holding him close as he ran a hand through the boys curls. 'He's so skinny now... Whoever did this to him is going to pay severely.' He glared ahead, holding the boy in his arms protectively. "Whatever this Dream guy did to you, whatever has happened to you since your last letters... I won't let it happen again. After this is all over, you're coming with me. You're not staying a moment longer, I'm taking you away from this accursed place." The finality in his tone left no room for protest, not that Tommy would. He had nothing left to stay for seeing as everyone either hated him or treated like he was nothing but a nuisance. "Thank you..."

Time Skip
Doomsday was pure chaos...
There's was so much bloodshed and for what? To take revenge on a child who was just tying to survive?!
(M/n) ran towards the center of New L'Manberg, trying desperately to spot his younger brother through all of the smoke. He couldn't breathe, couldn't see properly as he inhaled more of the thick air causing to let out a few coughs. "TOMMY?!" He yelled as he saw a trident head his way, just barely dodging. He looked at the man who threw it, his bubblegum pink hair falling out of the braid that had once held it. "Technoblade..." He growled, pulling out his sword as he stood in the presence of the quote Blood God. "(M/n)," he drawled, the monotone of his voice would send shivers down anyone else's spine but not his own as he stared up at him. "Didn't know you were here, looking for your traitor of a brother?" "Do not speak ill of my brother you bastard, he told me what happened to him. It was a mutual betrayal but you're too blind by your own ego to see it!" He yelled, anger filling his very being as red eyes met (e/c). "Oh? Is that what that Theseus told you? You weren't even there (M/n), you don't know-" The pig hybrid was interrupted by a sword wizzing past his head, leaving a gash on his cheek.
With wide eyes, Technoblade looked at the male below him in shock. "Watch your tongue, pig." (M/n) said as he pulled out another sword from his inventory, his eyes sharp and cold as he slowly approached. The crashing of TNT in the background nothing more than a soft hum to his ears. (M/n) knew he was being watched, by Dream who was on the obsidian grid high above and by those who were fighting the Witcher's. "I'll cut your tongue out if you continue to speak like that," He was close enough now to be able to look up into the taller' s eyes. "You should know better to cross me Blood God, you have yet to beat me in a battle you do realize this right? You think your little stunt that you're pulling would make you seem stronger? Hiding behind withers? You've sunk to a new low.." He was taunting the man by this point, a cruel smile playing on his lips as rose his sword high into the air. He hadn't noticed his brother, who was desperately trying to fight off Phil and was loosing. "Down with the Blood god!" (M/n) yelled as he brought his sword down, killing Technoblade where he stood.
Everyone saw their communicators light up with he announcement.

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