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[Foolish x Male Reader]

-Takes place during the red banquet
-Temporary Character death

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

(M/n)'s POV
  Everything started out fine, but (M/n) couldn't help the nagging feeling in his gut as he walked into the Banquet. Sporting a red and black suit, he walked to where he saw Foolish and Puffy talking. Smiling as he saw spot and wave at him, he walked a bit quicker to his lover though he did feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of his head as he did. "He bubs!" Foolish said excitedly, wrapping his arms around the other. "Hello darling," He turned to Puffy and smiled. "Ms.Puffy." The ram hybrid chuckled and shook her head. "For the thousandth time (M/n), I told you to just call me Mom. You're my son-in-law after all." (M/n) simply shook his head, his smile widening. "Have you noticed anything odd..?" He asked Foolish, just under his breath so no one else but the taller and Puffy heard as he looked around subtly. "Not so far, but something's off.." Foolish said, keeping his smile up but tightening his hold around his husband. "Agreed.." Puffy said into her cup, eyeing Bad, who was looking at their little trio.
  The demon hybrid approached them, giving a few greetings to the other guests who had arrived. Once he was upon them, a grin spread across his face. "Foolish, Puffy, (M/n)! So happy you could make it!" He said cheerfully, though it sounded fake as the grin didn't reach his eyes. "Of course we would, Bad! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Puffy said, her own smile crossing her lips. "Glad to hear, the feast should start soon, we're just waiting for one more guest to show."
  (M/n) tilted his head in slight confusion as he looked around to try and spot who was missing before looking back at Bad. "Who, if I may ask, are we waiting for?" "That would be George," he let out an exasperated sigh as he massaged his forehead. "I swear that muffin head is always sleeping during important events, it'd be disappointing if he didn't show up for this." (M/n) nodded in faux understanding, hiding his frown as he drank the wine in his glass that had been handed to him by Foolish. "Yes, that would be a shame. I'm sure he'll arrive soon-" He paused when he saw the man they were speaking about walk in, groggy from what could only be from a nap.
  Bad turned to where (M/n) had set his gaze, the demon suddenly giddy. "George! Old friend! You've finally arrived!" He chirped as he approached the brunette. George looked at the taller with bored eyes, he yawned before speaking. "Sorry for being so late, I only had just woken up." He mumbled. Bad brushed it off like a speck of dust. "No worries! We're just going to begin the feast now. Speaking of," He turned to everyone who was conversing in their own groups. "Everyone! Please make your way to your seats!"
  Everyone did just that, (M/n) now sitting between Foolish and Eret who were just as tense as he was. "I've got a bad feeling.." he mumbled, Eret having hear him nodded in agreement. "Something isn't right.." she said.
  Just as they uttered the sentence, Bad had started his speech on peace in the server and how he hoped for everyone to finally end the tensions between kingdoms. Though, as his speech went on, (M/n) noticed a wall of lava start to lower. He jumped up from his seat, which had alerted everyone else. "BadBoyHalo! What is the meaning of this?!" Eret shouted, his gown flowing as he too jumped up from their seat. "Why, Eret, didn't you hear," his tone made it sound like he was stating the obvious. "I only wish to end the violence in the kingdoms. And the only way to do that, is by getting you fools to join the egg." Bad chirped. Hannah, Ponk, Ant, and Punz standing from their seats and moving to the demons side. "No.. Hannah...?" Puffy whispered, clasping her hand over her mouth. "Traitor!" Someone shouted from the back. "Oh dear, I only joined a better cause. Does that truly make me a traitor? Eret?" The Royal winced as Hannah's voice, casting his head down in shame.
  "Now we can either do this easy way," Bad stepped forward. "Or the hard way." Ant frost moved forward with his sword drawn. "One of you can step up to be first, or we kill your beloved King Eret."
  "Or you don't," Foolish stepped in front of (M/n) and Eret protectively. "We can figure this out Bad, there are others ways to peace." He tried to convince the demon. "Hmmmm I believe Foolish is volunteering, don't you AntFrost?" Bad turned to his companion, seeing the other grin maliciously. "I think so-" "NO!" Everyone paused, (M/n) stepping in front of his husband. "You won't be taking any of us."
  Band's face morphed into an indifferent one, gesturing for Punz and Ant. "Grab him." His voice came out cold, causing a shiver to go down (M/n)'s spine. "He'll be the first to die." Foolish jerked forward before being stopped by Punz and Hannah. (M/n) was dragged away from his husband, fear clouding his senses as he tried to escape the hybrids tight grip. "It doesn't have to be like this bad!" He heard Puffy cry, trying desperately to convince the Demon who simply scoffed. An evil laugh escaping him as he watched them all try desperately try to convince him.
  (M/n) was placed onto the podium, a barrier built around him so he wouldn't escape his fate. "Any last words, (M/n)?" Ant asked, raising his sword to strike. (M/n) paused before looking to his husband who was struggling to get out the grips of Hannah and Punz. "Foolish," He called, his eyes turning glassy. "Foolish look at me." The god paused as he looked to his lovers eyes with his own desperate ones. "I love you.." The smile on his face was the last thing those Emerald eyes saw before blood spattered everywhere around the spot his husband stood.

(M/n) was slain by AntFrost

  Something snapped in the Totem as he screamed, lightning striking down around the topside as he charged AntFrost. Everything blurred as rage filled the man, taking the cat hybrid by the throat and throwing him across the room hard enough to take one of his cannon lives.

AntFrost was slain by FoolishG in his fury

  And one by one, each member of the Eggpire was slain by the totems hand. As soon as they were all dead, he fell to his knees before the spot his husband was killed. Tears flowing from his emerald eyes, they didn't stop even as someone's hand touched his shoulder. He looked up to see his mother crying, but she smiled for his sake. "It was his first cannon life, Foolish, he's waiting for you at home." She said as she helped the man up, pushing him toward an exit the others made. "Go."

  Foolish did just that, running past the other guests until the breeze blew through his golden hair. He used his trident that his enderchest and flew through the sky, desperation filling his very being as he sped home. Finally seeing the light from his desert temples, he spotted a small figure in the center, seeming to be holding something.
  Once he finally landed, he saw his husband and their two children in the shorters arms. He rushed to gather his family into his arms as he openly cried, peppering them all in kisses. "Thank primes, thank primes you're okay!" He cried as he looked into (M/n)'s eyes, noticing his lover crying as well. The shorter holding their children tightly as he smiled up at the other. "I'm okay, but are you?" "Who cares?" Foolish asked, nuzzling into (M/n)'s hair. "I do, you fool." (M/n0 cried happily, standing on his tiptoes as Foolish pulled away to kiss him. They pulled apart as (M/n) felt the children stir, he gently rocked them as they fell back into their slumber.
  "Let's get you and the kids back inside, tonight's been exhausting." Foolish said, his voice gentle as he led the other inside into their home. (M/n) nodded as he followed, sticking close to his husband's side. "Remind me to never accept an invitation to something if I have a bad feeling." He said, yawing at the end. Foolish chuckled, nodding along as they put the kids back into their respective beds before heading to their own bedroom. "Agreed, let's just take the next week or two off from everything. Ranboo and Tubbo would understand." He mumbled, slipping under the covers after they both changed into sleep wear. "Yeah that sounds nice." (M/n) agreed, snuggling close to Foolish.

Oh my gods this was bad-
But what can I say, some may be good, some may be SHIT!
That being said, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!
And always, I'll be seeing you in the next one!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh my gods this was bad-But what can I say, some may be good, some may be SHIT!That being said, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!And always, I'll be seeing you in the n...

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Next: Dream Team

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