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[Ranboo x Best Friend and Techno's Son! Male Reader]

-Major Character Death
-Major Angst
-Character Injury
-Hurt/No Comfort

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV
  Ranboo couldn't breathe, his lungs felt so heavy for the amount of times he tried to inhale any form of oxygen. He had just watched his best friend, the ONE person who was an innocent on the Esempi, the one that made sure that everyone was okay, had an axe buried into his chest. Ranboo didn't know he was screaming until his throat started burning. He scrambled to (M/n), not caring that Dream was standing over his body, ripping the axe out of him causing a pained scream to escape from the boys lips. He knew Technoblade was already aiming to shoot Dream between his eyes, his red eyes filled with anger and his usual stoic features now pinched in pure pain. "You fucked with the wrong family Clay." The pig hybrid spat, releasing the string and watching as Dream got shot down.
  Ranboo wasn't paying any attention at this point, his ears ringing and his cheeks already burning from the tears that pooled from his eyes. Finally skidding to a stop next to (M/n), he checked him over, noticing how deep the axe actually struck. "(M/n), come on bubs. Keep your eyes open for me," He saw a weak smile slowly try to form on the others lips, but it looked more like a grimace. "That's it, you gotta try and stay awake until Techno can get those healing pots for you." Ranboo said, pressing down on the wound even as the blood seeped through his fingers. "B-boo, It's okay. I'm not gonna make it.." (M/n) spoke in a shaky voice, his vision already filling with black spots. "Stop talking, please, you have to save your energy! Techno will be here in just a second! Just hold on, please (M/n)!" He felt a hand weakly wipe away his tears, the hybrid raising his own to hold it in place. "Stop c-crying you dummy, you're only going to hurt yourself.." His voice was coming out a bit more slurred, his eyes trying to close but he kept forcing them to stay open. "Worry about yourself for once, bubs," Ranboo quickly turned, mores tears escaping as he felt (M/n)'s arm starting to go slack. "TECHNO HURRY!" He screaming, seeing Techno trying to get to them after rifling through his endear chest to get the health pots. "I'm trying Damnit! I can only find one-" The realization struck Technoblade like a lightning bolt. "It won't be enough..." He whispered, turning to his son and Ranboo who was still trying to keep (M/n) awake. He ran towards the boys, kneeling down next them as he reached to run a hand through his boys hair. "'Ey Dad..." (M/n) mumbled, his eyes trying to focus on his father. "Hey bud," Techno, for the first time, smiled. "You can rest now, we'll see you back home yeah?" (M/n) nodded weakly, moving his gaze to a now sobbing Ranboo. "I'll see 'ou in a bit..." He said, his hand finally going slack and his eyes closing.
  Ranboo let out an agonizing scream, it sounded like a mixture of a dying endear man and his own normal voice. He watched his best friends body poof and his items are the only thing that remain on stop of the blood stained snow. "N-no Please!" Ranboo sobbed, he slutched his shirt to the point that there were holes, slamming a fist into the ground as he begged for the gods to give his (M/n) back to him. "Give hime back! PLEASE GIVE HIME BACK!" He sobbed into the snow and he bent over. Techno turned his head away, his own tears slipping down his cheeks before fury clouded his eyes. He stood from his spot in the snow and took his axe out of his inventory, he started walking in the direction of a lone Mushroom kingdom. Ranboo looked up, his sobs haven't resided but he called out to Techno. "T-Techno? Where-" He stopped, seeing the mans eyes now a deep scarlet. He knew the voices wanted blood and that the hybrid would provide It willingly this time. "I'm going after Dream's most loved possession," He turned to face the crying teen in the snow. "I'm going to Kinoko. Message Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy for me." He continued stalking forward, now in his full netherite that glistened in the setting sun.

"We Have Some Blood To Shed."

Man I'm on a roll! The next Oneshot shout be some comfort, maybe. Hopefully. Probably.
Anywho! I hope you enjoyed! Remember that if any of you have a request, just Pm me and I'll do my best to write it out!
Have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!

 Anywho! I hope you enjoyed! Remember that if any of you have a request, just Pm me and I'll do my best to write it out!Have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!BYEEEEEE

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Next: Bench Trio

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