Lðñê§ðmê Wðl£

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[Sapnap x Brother! Reader]

-None, maybe a small bit of angst but that's really it.

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV:
  'It was probably not to take a walk at night..' (M/n) thought as he milled through the forest just outside his home on the edge of Kinoko Kingdom. He wanted to get some fresh air after waking up from a gruesome nightmare, wincing as the images flashed in his mind. He simply shook his head, avoiding a wandering creeper. He started humming under his breath, a tune to a song he finished not too long ago.  "The lonesome wolf is howling at the moon," He looked up at the tree line, catching a glimpse of the stars above. "His song has wings of sad sincerity."  He sang softly to an unknown audience, tuning into the soft song of the crickets.
  "He's singing out an old familiar tune. He bares his heart and soul so heavily." He found an old dark oak tree to sit under, watching the moon hang high in the sky with a soft smile. "Am I the only one that feels alone?" He asked to no one but the moon herself, his audience now standing behind their own tree. "I try to patch my heart upon my sleeve," He sighed, his voice going soft as he watched the fireflies dance to his song. "Loneliness just seeps inside my bones. My shirt can not support the weight you see."  He started tapping his leg to the beat in his head, letting the nature provide the rest of the music. "Lonely lonely, everybody I ever meet is lonely. Feeding the beast." It was as if the crickets provided the violin, the breeze backing him up in vocals and carrying it through the lonely woods. "Own it own it, You don't have to let those demons haunt you." He snapped his head up when he heard a twig snap just outside his line of sight, he felt a coil of panic strike through him as his eyes scanned the darkness. He sat frozen like a deer in headlights.
  After a few minutes though, he relaxed back against the tree, though he still kept his guard up while he pulled his sword out of his inventory. He smiled when he saw a small rabbit come out of the bushes, slowly hopping over until it was close enough to sniff his hand. "Hello little one, are you lonely as well?" He asked, knowing he wouldn't get an answer from the creature as it moved to snuggle against his thigh. (M/n) ran his hand through it's fur, going back to his song. "Lonely lonely, everybody that I meet is lonely," He looked back up at the moon. "Especially me.. Own it own it. We don't let those demons haunt us." He grinned when he heard a howl in the distance, his hand still running through the rabbits fur as it looked around alert. "It's alright, the beast is too far away to harm you." He cooed, feeling it once again relax against him.
  Sapnap watched his younger brother sit under the tree, worry ebbing at the back of his mind as he stayed on lookout for any mobs that came near the boy singing. He saw the younger go into the woods as he worked on his shift for checking the perimeter, causing him to follow. He wanted to go over and check on his brother but stopped when he saw how relaxed he actually was. 'Been a while since he last looked this calm, it's been since Dream went into prison...' The older winced at the thought of his ex best friend, a small spark of anger fluttered through his heart. But he payed no mind to it as he went to sit against his own tree, just out of sight of (M/n), just to make sure the other didn't get hurt.

  (M/n) could feel someone watching him but hadn't payed it any mind, to wrapped up in his own thoughts to even consider that it might have been someone from enemy territory. He just continued on with his song as he picked the flowers that were around him, the mixture of oranges and reds reminded him of his older brother as he wove them into a flower crown. "The wilderness is all I've ever known. Searching for a place to rest my head," He picked up a few dandelions next to him. "Am I the only one without a 'Home'? I'm finding it within our common threads." He was only looking for someone to love, someone to call his home, but he knew there was no one for him. He was just happy to have his family. George, Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity. 'Even though I haven't seen much of Quackity and Karl lately..' He thought bitterly. "Lonely lonely, everybody that I meet is lonely. Feeding the beast. Own it own it. You don't have to let those demons haunt you.." He felt the rabbit jump onto his lap, moving to get comfortable. "I think I'll name you Roger." He said, his smile never leaving his lip as he gently pat the creatures back. "Maybe I won't feel as alone having you by my side.." He mumbled, looking up at the stars, as if to see if he could count each one. He started when he felt another presence next to him, jerking his head to the side to see his older brother smiling sadly at him. "(M/n), I'm sorry you've been feeling so lonely lately." He said, pulling the boy into an embrace. (M/n) hugged back, patting Sapnap's back before pulling away with a goofy smile. "It's okay, everyone feels that sense of loneliness. I know you do and that George does as well. But we have each other, so I think we'll be okay." He saw his brothers smile form into a grin as he nodded in agreement, ruffling his hair as he stood back up. "You're right, but lets get you home huh? It's getting late." The older held his hand out for (M/n) to take, who did after lifting Roger up into his arms. "That sounds," he yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Like a good idea." Sapnap simply shook his head with a chuckle as they walked back.

"The sun is alone too, but it stills shine."

Yooooo! It feels great to update so much!
I hope you enjoyed this one-shot!
Have an amazing day/morning/evening/night and I'll be seeing you in the next one!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yooooo! It feels great to update so much!I hope you enjoyed this one-shot!Have an amazing day/morning/evening/night and I'll be seeing you in the next one!BYEEEEEEEE

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