𝑀𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓇𝒶𝒷𝓁𝑒 𝒯𝑜𝑔𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇, 𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝒾𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉

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[Quackity x Ex! Fiancé Male Reader]

-Spoilers to Quackity's Recent Lore

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV
Quackity didn't think, he just ran from Kinoko without looking back at his now ex fiancés. He could feel his already shattered heart breaking more, perhaps beyond repair. He just wanted to scream, to curse the gods for never giving him a break. All he has ever wanted was happiness, to feel loved, to feel wanted. But he could never have that, not with his shit luck.
He ran where his legs carried him, beanie flying off his head as the wind pushed through his locks. He could feel the shift in terrain but he continued running, tears pooled from his onyx eyes just as the rain began to pour. Quackity ran until his legs finally gave out, the rain pounding on his back as he fell to his knees and cried out. The scream sounded so heartbroken.
Finally though, the Gods granted him a sliver of kindness as light poured into his view. He didn't dare look up though, curling into himself further as he sobbed at the ground. He soon felt a light touch on his shoulder, the beating from the rain vanishing as a shadow covered the light.
"Alex..?" A voice asked, someone knelt down in front of the man crying on the ground. "Alex, Hey, what the hell are you doing out here? You'll catch a chill, love." The voice sounded so kind to Quackity's ears, he couldn't help but cry harder though. He believed that this was all a game, that he was being toyed with once again.

(M/n) starred down at his ex lover with worry, his heart aching at the state the man was in. He set his umbrella down on the side and pulled Quackity into an embrace, knowing he probably needed the comfort now more than ever. "I don't know what happened, and you don't have to even tell me, but just know that I'm here for you. You can rely on me for however long you need me." (M/n) said gently into the mans ear, feeling his arms wrap around his waist and a head bury into his chest. The force of each sob that left Quackity caused tears to well up in (M/n)'s eyes. "Talk to me love.."
Quackity finally felt recognition wash over him, burying himself deeper into (M/n)'s chest as he tried to take a few shaky breaths to calm down. "I-I don't even know what I'm doing here, (N/n).." He croaked, pulling his head back to meet the others (e/c) orbs. "So much had happened a-and I just ran without thinking-" He was rambling by this point and (M/n) simply listened, raising a hand to cup Quackity's cheek. "S-sapnap came to Las Nevadas, he wanted me to visit Kinoko to see the place and Karl, oh prime K-Karl. He kept calling me a murderer! I-I- (M/n) I've done some bad things sure but I-I'm not, I-" (M/n) shushed him, stroking the man's cheek before pulling his hand back to pick the other up bridal style.
(M/n) carried Quackity into his little house he's been living in since Dream went into the prison, enjoying the small space that it provided and the solitude he got. Even though he was lonely, and he would sometimes wish Quackity was there but he knew better. He simply carried his ex lover to the bathroom and began to run a warm bath for the man. Quackity was now just sitting there silently, watching (M/n)'s every movement with a hint of caution. "You need to warm up, I'll make you some tea cause I'm sure your throat hurts from all that screaming you've done. Then you can finish telling me what happened. How does that sound, hm?" (M/n) said, not looking at Quackity as he added a few salts and some soaps to the warm water causing bubbles to form. The other made a noise of approval and (M/n) nodded, moving to leave.
"Wait.." Quackity said, gently grasping onto the sleeve of (M/n)'s sweater. "C-could you stay..?" (M/n) smiled gently, pulling the man's hand off his sleeve and moving to cup the back of his head to pull him into a hug. "I'll always stay, love, but let me go make your tea. You can get settle into the bath and I'll be back before you know it," (M/n) watched the doubt in Quackity's eyes, and kissed his forehead. "I promise I won't leave you, not until you force me to." He watched Quackity smile ever so slightly and he felt relief bubble into him. "Thank you, (M/n)." "Of course, love."

Gods this one kind of sucks.
But that's okay! Not all of them will be good!
That being said, I hope you enjoyed!
Please Have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!
And I'll be seeing you all in the next One-Shot!
Farewell my dear readers!

 But that's okay! Not all of them will be good!That being said, I hope you enjoyed!Please Have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!And I'll be seeing you all in the next One-Shot!Farewell my dear readers!

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