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[Sapnap x Male Reader]

-First Meeting
-character injury
-death (But nothing major)
-Highly recommend listening to the music while reading this

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

(M/n)'s POV
The night had fallen, the moon hanging high in the sky and the screams of war surrounded (M/n).
He charged forward towards the enemy, taking down anyone on the opposite side. His face was coated with sweat and blood, but he hadn't paid it any mind as he focused on trying to survive this war. He rushed past one of the battalions and shot his bow, dodging swords left an right.
A strange feeling bubbled inside of him as he stabbed an arrow into a soldiers eye, he cringed as blood splattered onto his hands. "Dream owes me a new uniform and a fucking medal after this shit." He said, rising up and setting his eyes on his next target. He had to live through this, he had to be able to go home and see his family again. To survive is to win, and he plans on living through this massacre.

He froze though, his eyes widening as they see the forest that was around the fighting now in flames and spreading across the trees. He couldn't himself from worrying for his comrades, his friends. But his thoughts turned to the village that was nearby and he bolted. They hadn't warned them about the fighting, they never had those innocent people evacuate.
So he ran. He ran with such a speed that could rival Hermes himself. (M/n) slung his bow over his shoulder and pulled out his axe, hacking and slashing his way to the tree line. But he couldn't even make it that far as he was tackled to the ground my an enemy soldier. The kid couldn't be more than sixteen, his blue eyes shone with fear. "Kid," He watched the kid soldier flinch. "Listen to me, I know I may be the enemy and that you may not trust me, but you need to get out of here. This isn't a place for you and if you want to live, if you want to survive, then I implore you to leave." (M/n) practically begged, he didn't want to have a child's blood on his hands. He didn't want to have to murder a boy who was dragged into a meaningless war. The kid seemed so lost, so confused and so fucking scared but he listened. Rising up on his shaking legs, the kid held his hand out and (M/n) took it. "There's a village, just on the other side of these woods. I need you to go there and get everyone to evacuate." (M/n) explained, speaking quickly as pulled the younger into a safer area. "B-but.." The boys voice was shaking as he clasped onto the uniform. (M/n) kneeled down and looked up at the boy. "I'm gonna level with you kid, there's a high chance that our side will end up winning. And most of these men are out for blood, no matter who's it is. There are families in that village, kids younger than you are, and they need someone to warn them about the fighting and the fire that's spreading closer to them," He pursed his lips and glanced at the ongoing fighting and sighed. "I don't want have to walk across this battlefield later and see you laying there, okay? You're too young and you have too much to learn and to live for. This will be too much to have on your conscious if you continue fighting, and it's going to haunt you for the rest of your life. I know that cause I was younger than you when I went into my first war." He turned back to the boy and smiled sadly. "Now listen to me, and run. Run as fast as your legs can carry you and don't stop for anything until you reach that village. Am I clear?"
The boy quickly nodded, turning to run into the forest with tears pooling in his eyes. Though he stopped and looked back at the man still kneeled on the ground. "What's your name?" He asked and the man stood onto his feet once more and took his bow off his shoulder. "The names (M/n), kid, now go. I'll cover you." And as soon as those words left his lips, the boy was gone. The back of his dark blue coat the last thing the older see's before his (e/c) eyes shift back to the fight before him. He shoots a few men who come close to him, and he hopes the boy makes it in time.

Time seemingly stood still as an arrow went into his shoulder, making him grunt and drop his bow. He cursed under his breath as he turned in the direction the arrow came from and saw the leader of L'Manberg starring back at him with a smirk. "Wilbur.." (M/n) growled, picking his bow up from the ground and ripping the arrow out of his shoulder. He could feel his uniform begin to soak with his blood but he elected to ignore it and aimed for the opposition's leader. He released the arrow and watched it hit it's mark. But he felt nothing as he starred at the man now laying on the ground.
He soldiered on after that, running into the thick of the battle. It was like a dance, a forbidden waltz as he pulled his sword out and hacked away once more. He didn't look back at the bodies that payed in his wake, he didn't dare. But he did stop in his tracks after stabbing another soldier through the sternum. His gaze meeting one of fiery eyes, a man who held a torch at which made him glow like the sun. He couldn't help but tear his gaze away from the beauty of the other as another battalion of soldiers charged at him.
He began his dance once more, but this time those fiery eyes were watching him. Watching him fight with such grace, that the other wanted nothing more than to join. And so he did. The man ran forward to lend his aid. He slashed through the enemy soldiers and made his way to the soldier that caught his eyes.
Once all were done except the two, they stared into each other's eyes. Entranced by the other, stepping closer until they were merely a few steps apart. "Who might you be?" (M/n) asked, keeping his sword to the side and ready encase more showed up. "Sapnap, Dream's right hand. And you?" Sapnap said, raising the bow that (M/n) didn't even notice he was holding into the air and shooting a man who was charging at them. "(M/n). Captain of the 3rd battalion and close friend of his highness GerogeNotFound." (M/n) said, moving his gaze to a soldier coming from Sapnap's behind. He lunged forward and stabbed the man clean through, but now he was mere inches away from Sapnap's face. He could feel his cheeks heat up and he quickly stepped back. "Apologies-" "No need, what do you say when this is all over we go grab a bite? I heard the food here is quite tasty." Sapnap said, shooting another arrow. "I accept. Though, that is," He threw his sword like it was a throwing knife and watched it hit a retreating soldier in the back. "If we survive this."
"I think we will." Sapnap said with a grin. They both continued fighting until the sun peaked it's way out on the horizon, the battlefield silent until all could hear Dream's voice. "WE WON!"
All remaining soldiers cheered, the roar shaking the earth beneath them and (M/n) couldn't help the grimace that pushed onto his feature. Sapnap turned to (M/n) and saw the look, placing a calloused hand on the others shoulder. "What's the matter?" He asked, his voice etching with worry. "There was a boy," (M/n) turned his gaze to the forest that still held the fire, smoke lifting through the air and into the sky. "On the enemies side, he looked to be only sixteen years old. I told him to run to the nearby village that hadn't been evacuated, I hope he made it." (M/n) felt the hand on his shoulder squeeze gently, a form of reassurance and something that was grounding him. "I'm sure he did, and I'm sure the villagers are okay." Sapnap tried to reassure but he could still see the worry in the other's eyes as they stared on into the forest. "I hope you're right," (M/n) shook his head and turned to smile at the other. "Now that we survived, why don't we go get that bite to eat. I'm famished after all this." Sapnap chuckled and nodded, pulling (M/n) in a direction that lead back to their base camp.

What (M/n) didn't know was that the boy he saved was now safe, he had helped the villagers evacuate and he vowed to never forget the kindness that the enemy soldier showed him.

Well that was something else, am I right?
I decided to experiment a bit, tried to spice things up with a bit more descriptiveness and such.
I hope you enjoyed this one-shot!
I'll be getting to those who have requested things soon enough! I'm just trying to get through all my drafts first!
Please have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!
And I will be seeing you in the next one!
Farewell dear readers!

 I hope you enjoyed this one-shot!I'll be getting to those who have requested things soon enough! I'm just trying to get through all my drafts first!Please have an amazing day/morning/evening/night! And I will be seeing you in the next one!Farewel...

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Next: Quackity

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