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[Bench Trio x Best Friend! Male Reader] NOT PT 4 of Hold you here

-None this is just pure fluff

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV:
'It was finally time.' (M/n) thought as he pulled the strap of his bag over his shoulder. He was finally seeing his best friends after so long, them being apart of the Esempi and he apart of HermitCraft. He checked to see if he had everything he would need fir his journey, making his way towards the portal that leads to the central all of SMP's. He was buzzing with excitement, waving goodbye to those who wished him a safe journey, and Grian fretting over him like a mother hen. "Be safe okay? Don't talk to any strangers and steer clear of the dangerous people over in the Esempi." Grian said, adjusting the boys coat for the fourteenth time. "I'll be okay Grian, stop worrying. I'll be back in a month or so." (M/n) said, hugging his older brother. "You better or I'm coming over there myself to drag you back. "Sure you will," He joked, knowing that the other was serious. "I'll message you if I have to stay longer, and I'll send you letters and updates every other day." Grian nodded, a smile crossing his lips as he nudged his little brother. "Go have fun." And with a few final goodbyes, (M/n) was on his way.

Time Skip
He sprinted out of the portal, taking in the fresh air and magic that the Esempi provided. A grin filling his features as he shot a message to Phil that he was here and at the portal.
You whisper to Philza: I'm here Mr.Minecraft!
Philza whispers to you: Alright. Techno and I are on our way mate.

(M/n) shook his hands out, too filled with energy to stay still as he waited for a familiar pair of black wings in the sky. Though he did notice the bubblegum pink hair before the wings. The boy jumped up and down, waving his arms in the air at the sight of the men. "Tech! Phil!" He shouted, seeing the bright smile on Phil which made his grin widen. As the older man landed, he wrapped the youngest in a hug, encircling his wings around the boy. "Welcome back Mate." Phil said, pulling away so Techno could give (M/n) his own hug. "Good to see you, kid." The piglin mumbled, smiling softly. "It's good to see you both, is everything ready for the surprise?" He asked, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. "Sure is, the boys have no idea you're even here. They've been busy over in Snowchester." Phil said, taking the bag from (M/n) so he could relax his surely sore muscles. "That's great! They're going to be so surprised! I'm so excited!" He rambled while the two men chuckled at his antics. "Then lets head out, they should get to my cabin after we do." Techno said, getting up onto Carl again and holding a hand out to help (M/n) up. "Then let's gooooo!"

As soon as they arrived, the two men rushed (M/n) inside and helped him find a place to pop out when he trio got there. As soon as they did, they heard a soft knock at the door of the cabin, causing them all to jump into action. (M/n) hid in his spot, chewing his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing as he heard Techno let the boys in in his usual monotone voice. "Why'd you want us to come over, Tech?" Tommy asked, his voice the epitome of confusion. (M/n) could hear his heart beat starting to race as he got ready to jump out. "Well," Techno said, about to say the single. "We thought you all could use a break from all the hardwork you've been doing. So go over there while we make you some Hot cocoa."
As soon as the signal was said, (M/n) jumped up from his hiding spot. "SURPRISE!!" He shouted, grinning like a maniac as he watched Tubbo, Tommy, and even Ranboo scream. "(M/N)!!!????" They all yelled in unison, moving to tackle the poor boy into a dog pile. They all laughed, hugging each other in one big group hug. Phil and Techno watched from the side, Phil smiling was Techno tried to hide his own.
"We missed you so much, big man!" Tommy said, burying himself into his friends sweater while Tubbo and Ranboo nodded in agreement. "I missed you guys too, so much." He said, feeling happy tears start to form as he looked at all of them. They've all changed in their own ways, Tubbo's hair now long enough to cover his eyes, Ranboo seemed to have gotten even taller than he already was, and Tommy was sporting a different style of clothes. "You've changed, you look more grown up since I last saw you three." He said, memorizing their faces the best he could. "So have you Boss Man, You've gotten taller." Tubbo said, moving his hair so he can see better. "Yeah! You changed too, though its like you haven't changed at all at the same time." Ranboo said, smiling gently as held (M/n)'s hand. The boy simply chuckled at them, his grin causing pain in his cheeks but he didn't mind. He was just happy to see them all again, their group finally together again.

Boom. Fluff.
We did it guys, this is the most I've updated in one day in such a long time and I'm still going!
I'm surviving off two monsters and a fruit salad for dinner so that only means one thing! More one shots! I've gotten so Inspired from the playlist I'm listening to !
I hope you all enjoyed and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!
See you all in the next One-Shot!!

 We did it guys, this is the most I've updated in one day in such a long time and I'm still going! I'm surviving off two monsters and a fruit salad for dinner so that only means one thing! More one shots! I've gotten so Inspired from the playlist ...

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Next: Technoblade

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