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[S.B.I x Brother/Son Male Reader]

-some angst
-Oh who am I kidding-
-Character death, but not yours so yeah.
-War to take back La'Manberg but the after math.
-Panic attack
-cursing somewhere? I don't know

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style
(Y/L/A)= Your living area

Side Note:
The music is there so you can listen to it in the background while you read, but only if you want to.

Third POV:
  Anyone could tell that (M/n) would anything for his family, as annoying as his brothers were, as absent as his father was.... How could he not?
  Being the eldest son of the Minecraft family was... to say the least challenging. Even more so when their father would go on his little adventures, leaving the (h/c)nette in charge of all the others. Not that he minded, he was used to having an absent father. But when the older man came back with one child after another claiming that he adopted them or that he found them by there lonesome, he'd merely took on the work with a smile.
  Ever since most of the boys left to go on their own adventure though, things haven't been the same. He would sit alone in their old cottage and reminisce in the past times. The good. The bad. All those memories would make him feel a sort of sadness, sucking him deeper in deeper in that nostalgic feelings.

  After a few years of being alone, he had gotten word that one of his brothers was killed... That was the day he truly lost himself , rushing on horse back to the country of La'Manberg. The place his brothers Tommy and Wilbur founded, the place that Wilbur talked about so fondly in his letters to (M/n), the place that he soon learned was destroyed by said brother after loosing it to a tyrant. When he arrived he was greeted by Tommy, the boys eyes were red and puffy from most likely crying, the boy surrounded by people (M/n) didn't know. His brotherly instincts kicked in as he jumped off his horse to go comfort the younger blonde. But he was stopped by a fox hybrid.

  "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in La'Manberg?" The man growled, hand on the hilt of his sword while trying to seem threatening. (M/n) payed the other no mind as he focused in on Tommy, his eyes filled with concern. "Tommy!!" He shouted, gaining the boys attention. Tommy's head whipped up so fast that you would've thought that he got whiplash. "(M/n)!!" He cried out, pushing away from another boy his age and rushing to the older with fresh tears forming in his blue hues. (M/n) shoved the fox hybrid away and ran to the blonde, engulfing the crying boy in his arms, holding him as if to shield him from the burdens of the world.

  "(M/n)! You're here- You're," The blonde struggled to get any words out past his sobbing as he gripped onto the back of his older brothers shirt. "He's gone! W-Wilby's gone! H-He-" He got interrupted by (M/n) shushing him, rocking them both back and forth. "It's okay Tom's. Breathe." The older said, his voice a bit shaky as he held back his own tears. The others around watched the two interact in shock and slight confusion but they knew better than to voice it, they could all tell that the Blonde was in distress and seemed to find comfort in the older male.

  After a bit of calming down on Tommy's part, he pulled back and looked up at (M/n), a few stray tears falling down his cheeks. (M/n) wiped them away with his thumb and gave him a small smile. "Now, do you think you can explain to me how Wilbur is gone? And what in Hades name happened to you? Where's Techno?" He asked, his voice staying even now as he looked around at the city that was in shambles, but he could tell was slowly being rebuilt. He didn't get an answer though as he looked back at Tommy with a new sense of urgency. "Tommy," His voice cracking. "Tommy tell me who died, I got a letter but they didn't say who..." He caught a glimpse of pink in the distance, his eyes widening in realization. "Tommy is Wil..." Tommy nodded his head in response to the unasked question.
  (M/n) didn't feel his tears fall as he starred at the younger boy in shock, falling to his knees on the wet soil beneath him. "No," he reached up and grabbed the cloth where his heart was. "No no no You're joking! This is another one of your jokes right , Tom's?!" He said, slowly loosing his composure as he let out a nearly hysteric laugh before it turned into a gut-wrenching sob. Tommy couldn't look at the man before him, keeping his eyes on the ground as he clenched his hands into fists and cried. (M/n) couldn't contain his heartache as he slammed a fist onto the ground, getting mud all over his hands. He looked back up at the blonde as tears continuously flowed like an endless river to an ocean of sorrow. "How? How did this happen?!" He asked, wanting answers. "Phil... He..." Tommy couldn't finish as he bit his lip to hold back his sob. A brunette boy appeared, placing a hand onto Tommy's shoulder to be some form of comfort to the blonde. "Philza killed him." The brunette said, locking eyes with (M/n)'s (e/c) hues.

  (M/n) felt dejected as he staggered to his feet. "You mean to tell me..." His voice cracked as more tears slipped. "That our father killed Wilbur..?" He asked, hoping to the gods... Damn near begging that it wasn't true. That the man who raised him, the one who was supposed to protect them didn't kill his brother. "I-it's true..."
He heard the fox hybrid say behind him.


  Everything came crashing down around him as he heard ringing soon filling his ears. His heart rate picked up as he reached to pull his hair. He heard Tommy's muffled voice yelling to him as he starred at the ground. He saw red filling his vision, realizing it was a cape only to soon be engulfed in a hug. "(M/n)... Breathe..." He heard but only barely. "You need.... Breathe!" The (h/c)nette clenched his eyes shut as he tried to focus. "(M/N)!" Someone shouted, snapping him out of it. He looked up, seeing the familiar pink hair and blood red eyes of his brother Techno. "Tech...no..?" He asked, his voice coming out shaky. "That's right, it's your little brother Techno, Tommy's here, too, see?" The pinkette gestured and (M/n)'s (e/c) hues followed seeing a very tense Tommy and everyone else around him on-guard. "Toms.." He mumbled, exhaustion taking over. He was doing his best to stay awake but soon lost the battle, blacking out....

  Techno looked down at his now passed out older brother, the boy who raised him and the others all on his own, the one who protected them all and made them the people that they were before the revolution... the pinkette felt his heartbreak before quickly snapping out of it as he looked at the others, remembering he was in enemy territory now. "Tommy, come take (M/n)..." He said, keeping his eyes on everyone who had a weapon out. "I'll leave as soon as I see him in safe hands and not a second sooner." He said, his glare sharper than the orphan obliterator. Tommy quickly rushed over, looking to Tubbo for some assistance. Both boys took (M/n) to a safe place before Techno quickly disappeared from the area, using his Trident to get away.
  Everyone else was left scratching their heads, all trying to comprehend what all just happened...

And That concludes this one shot! I'll most likely make a part two, that is if people want one. I do hope you enjoyed this one though. As angsty as it was...
Anywho! Please do have an amazing day/morning/evening/night! Please stay safe and I'll be seeing you all in the next one-shot!

Anywho! Please do have an amazing day/morning/evening/night! Please stay safe and I'll be seeing you all in the next one-shot!

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Next: S.B.I

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