𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕄𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕀𝕥 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕞

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[Charlie Slimecicle x Male Reader]
Requested By: @irl_Bakugou

-None, It's pure fluff
-Charlie is a bit ooc

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV
It was a cool summer night, the moon hung high in the sky shining on the down of flowers that surrounded a small cottage that sat atop the hill. Inside sat a man, snuggled up in blankets, with a fire lit in the fireplace. He took a sip of his tea as he read his book, waiting for a certain slime hybrid to come back from Las Nevadas which was just a few chunks away.
(M/n) set his book to the side when a knock came. He stood and went to open it, showing Charlie grinning so bright. "(M/n)! I'm home!" The hybrid cheered, pulling the man into a hug. "I see that slime! How was Las Nevadas?" (M/n) asked as he wrapped his arms around Charlie's waist. "It was Great! Quackity was teaching me how to run things!" (M/n) tilted his head at that, but he didn't question it. He simply smiled and pulled away from the hug.
He pulled the hybrid inside and sat down on the couch, Charlie immediately put his head on (M/n)'s lap. The other gently raked his fingers through his chestnut hair, still holding some hints of slime. But (M/n) didn't mind, just simply enjoying Charlie's prescience. "Can you sing for me?" Charlie asked, looking up at the other. "Sure, darling. What would you like me to sing?" Charlie simply shrugged making (M/n) chuckle. He leaned over and pulled out his guitar, tuning it. "I think I have a good one." He said, letting Charlie sit up and sit next to him, the brunette laid his head on (M/n)'s shoulder and closed his eyes.

He started strummed gently, closing his own eyes as he soon began to sing.

My feathers seem to have taken the brunt of the storm
They are feeling pretty worn
We finally found shelter tucked away inside a wall
Though for now it's pretty small

He turned his head, cracking his eyes open to see Charlie looking so relaxed with a peaceful smile on his lips.

You and me
We can make this hole a home
We can fill it up with grass and all the things that make it warm
When you leave
To go fly across the sea
I'll be waiting here
With Junior and the flowers
That we've grown..

"I would never leave you, (M/n).." Charlie said, snuggling into the crook of (M/n)'s who simply shook his head as he continued strumming. "I know my love, and I'll never leave you either. It's promise." Charlie seemed satisfied with his answer and continued to listen to the other sing.

Collecting clumps of sticks and leaves
Has left me pretty tired
Can I rest with you a while?
We snuggle up between the stones
Wind blows peacefully
There's no place I'd rather be

(M/n) felt a warmth blossom in his chest as he remembered how he and Charlie had met. It was all thanks to Quackity, bring Charlie back with him to Las Nevadas on a random evening when He was working. When Charlie was still mostly slime and was still so naive to the world. But the hybrid has grown since then, became more aware on how things worked and grew into who he was today. (M/n) was proud of him.

You and me...
We can make this hole a home
We can fill it it up with grass and all the things that make it warm
When you leave...
To go across the sea
I'll be waiting here
With junior and the flowers..

(M/n) continued his strumming and hummed out the rest of the song, noticing how Charlie was now asleep against his shoulder. He placed his guitar gently back to where it sat before and laid down to the point where Charlie was against his chest. The hybrid stirred for a moment before relaxing again, still snoozing away. (M/n) wanted to imprint this image into his mind so that he would never forget, running his fingers again trough the others hair and soon falling asleep himself. They were at peace, the sound of crickets a gently lullaby as they both slept the night away.

This wan't the best, but I'm still working my way back to writing fluff but I hope you all enjoyed!
For the person who requested this, I apologize that it wasn't the best. But you did get me hooked on the song!
That being said, please have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!
See you all in the next one-shot!
Farewell dear reader!

 But you did get me hooked on the song!That being said, please have an amazing day/morning/evening/night!See you all in the next one-shot!Farewell dear reader!

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Next: TommyInnIt and Eret

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