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[Cheater! GerogeNotFound x Ex! Male Reader]

-Mentions of Alcohol
-Past Cheating
-Past Fighting
-Gues what..Yep it's another Band AU! Whoopsies
-I don't know what else..

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

(M/n)'s POV
"You can do this, (N/n).." He heard Wilbur say next to him, rubbing a supportive hand against his back as he knelt down on the ground. (M/n) was having an internal crisis, about to go out onto a stage in front of millions of people to see his band perform a new song he wrote for his ex. And he couldn't be any more nervous. He knew George was watching, knew he was out there with his new lover and everyone who choose to stick on his side despite that bastard being the one who cheated.
He lost so many friends because of it... so many that he thought would stay by his side.. Now all he has left is Wilbur and his other band mates; Quackity, Techno, Bad. Aside from them and the rest of his family, he had no one. What was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to move on?
"(M/n)!" Quackity called from the side, waving for the mans attention. "It's time!"
(M/n) schooled his features, making it seem like he wasn't actually about to have a panic attack. Wilbur looked at him with concern in those chocolate brown hues, whispering into his ear before he could move to stand up. "You know you don't have to perform that song, we can always improvise.." But (M/n) simply shook his head and smiled bitterly. "I have to," His voice sounded like shit, even to his own ears. "I have to show the world how much George hurt me and tore almost everything I loved away from me." Wilbur only nodded and helped the other up to his feet.
They both walked over to the rest of their crew and (M/n) forced the brightest smile he could muster, walking out onto the stage as if nothing was truly wrong. He welcomed the audience and thanked them for coming out, despite the weather showing it was going to rain. Quackity joked that he hoped they all brought umbrella's which got more than just a few laughs amongst the band. "We'll go ahead and get to the first song of the night and end with the one I'm sure you all are absolutely dying to hear!" (M/n) chuckled into his mic, winking at a few bystanders in the nosebleeds. "That being said," he clapped. "Let's get this shit started, shall we?"

Time Skip to the final song
They were all out of breath and sweating, (M/n) was personally dreading the final song, wanting nothing more than to go to his apartment and snuggle up under blankets with his band mates and maybe get a few cuddles with Wilbur and Quackity whilst watching some random Disney movie.
Wilbur leaned into his mic while holding his guitar to the side. "Alright, Loves, its time for our closing song. I'll be honest a few tears might be shed, but regardless it looks like the rain might cover it up." Bad nodded with a soft smile. (M/n) pulled his own mic up so he could speak. "Though we will warn you, If anyone in the audience feels that it's too much and need to leave, please do. We care more about your emotional and mental safety than our concert. Please take care of your friends if you came with anyone and yourselves above all else!"
"Yeah! We care about you guys more than our concert so please do what you need to!" Quackity said with Techno grunting in agreement. (M/n) chuckled and watched the lights dim. "It's time.." He said gently before silencing at the sound of an acoustic guitar.
The soft strumming comforted him as he felt the spotlight shine on him. He shut his eyes tight as he continued to lose himself in the melody, swaying slightly as placed his mic on the stand.

When I'm away from you
I'm happier than ever..

The audience went quiet as they listened closely to the man singing. Though some were listening more at the tone. Wincing at the sudden raw emotion.

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