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[Dream Team x Male Reader]

-Band Au
-Their a band your honor and very much a poly relationship.
-Slight Angst
-Past Relationships
-Ex Partner

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV
  Backstage was buzzing with people, working on setting up for another concert. The band that was playing was high up on the ranks for best performance. Dream Team was all over the headlines just last week for their announcement of a world tour. (M/n) had to hold back his laughter as Sapnap excitedly chatted with his friends over the phone. "I'll get to see you guys soon!" He said, jerking the phone away from his ear when one of them had let out a loud cheer. "Alex! Volume!"
  George was curled up in (M/n)'s side, snoozing until they had to go on while (M/n) and Dream went of the music one more time. "I heard your ex is going to be their.." Dream said cautiously, looking up from the music sheet in his hands and over at his partner. He saw the hidden pain in his (e/c) hues as he kept them focused on the music. "I'll be fine," He glanced up and gave the other a smile, running his hand through George's hair. "It's not gonna make a difference if they are there or not. We still give an amazing performance as always." The reassurance did nothing for Clay's worry as he moved to (M/n) other side and wrapped an arm around him. "Even if you choke up out there, we'll be there to back you up babe."  The man nuzzled into the others (h/c) hair, leaving a gentle kiss. (M/n) simply shook his head, turning to peck Clay's cheek.
  Sapnap finally got off the phone and came to their cuddle pile, moving next to George as he put the sleeping mans legs in his lap. "What're we talking about?" He asked, not reading the room as both Clay and (M/n) were tense. "Nothing to worry ab-" "(M/n)'s Ex is going to be in the nosebleeds tonight." Clay muttered, interrupting a now irritated looking (M/n). "His what..?" Nick growled, tensing up to get ready for a fight that not to come. "It's nothing to worry about. You two have to calm down." (M/n) said, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sighed. "But-" Clay tried, tightening his hold on the other. "I said it's fine, so leave it Clay."
  Before either of them could respond, a knock came from their door. "Come in." (M/n) said, shaking George so he would wake up. He got a grumble but the brunette woke up, albeit with a grumpy glare directed at his temporary pillow. Their manager, Sam, smiled at the group  as he peeked in. "It's time for you boys to go on." He received nods from all four of them, leaving a concerted look on Sam's face. "You okay?" Clay flinched when he felt a pinch in his side, (M/n) smiling up at their Manager. "Perfectly fine, just nerves." He said, his voice never wavering from the lie. "If you say so, your on in five." And with that, Sam left them. (M/n) let George move before he stood, stretching his arms and turning. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" He said, reaching his hand out to George who was more awake than before, a smile lazily crossing his lip. "Let's get this over with."

Time Skip
  (M/n) hadn't payed much attention the nosebleeds, avoiding it like it was the plague. He had noticed his ex near the beginning and it did throw him off like Clay had said, but he elected to ignore the burning feeling in his stomach. During one of their breaks, Clay came over to check on him, Sapnap and George casted worry glances from their spots but (M/n) gave them a smile. He gestured for Clay to go back to his spot, they were on their final song after all.
  "Alright everyone, this is the final song of the night, so be prepared!" (M/n) said into the mic, winking at no one in particular. He heard the cheers in the crowd, some even whistled. He smiled, turning to his partners who gave him a reassuring smile.

[Play song here]
  George started them off with the soft keys from his keyboard, entrancing everyone in the audience with the soft melody. (M/n) walked closer to his mic stand, gently grabbing it.

Dream Smp x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now