ℍ𝕚𝕘𝕙 (𝕂𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕌𝕡)

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[Tommy x Father Firgure/Brother Figure! Male Reader]

-Talk of past trauma
-Author struggling

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV
Tommy was walking along the prime path, his gaze glued to the wood planks as he marched on. Picking at his sweater that (M/n) had made for him, his thoughts drifted, bringing him back to his time in exile. He bite his lower lip as he thought back to how alone he felt, how scarred he was. Though he paused when he heard a guitar being played nearby, causing him to tilt his head in confusion.
He froze when he spotted the source of the music, seeing (M/n) seated near his pet cow Henry the Third. He was leaned against the animal, humming softly before he spotted the blonde. The older smiled and waved the boy over, who hesitated only for a moment. He shook off whatever was holding him back and walked over to (M/n) and sat down next to him, who continued playing. "There something bothering you bub?" He asked, keeping his voice gentle as he looked over at the blonde who only starred forward.
Tommy shook his head as he looked onward to the horizon, watching the sun slowly lower. "Maybe," (M/n) started playing something different from before, his strumming almost forming a beat. "You could try singing out your problems? It's only Henry and I here and we won't judge." (M/n) suggested, his kind smile never leaving his face. The blonde only huffed before letting out a noise of agreement. "Fine, but don't tell anyone." He grumbled, shoving his hands into the pockets of the cardigans. "I won't, I promise Toms."

[Play song Here]
With that, (M/n) started the tune over again, giving the blonde a nod of reassurance. Tommy stood from his spot and starred up at the darkening sky, his voice coming out soft and unsure at first.

I was brought up with some hope of an
I'd get tired but never grow old of it
Wilbur's old friends thought so anyways..

He got a reassuring smile from (M/n) and a huff from Henry who stared at the blonde.

Broken Cash is how I've grown up and
No real dad is all I've know and my
Body fights against me on most days

(M/n) felt the worry bubble in him but he didn't show it as he continued strumming, changing the pace as he watched Tommy. His sunshine who still shines, even the slightest, after all the darkness that's been after him.

I feel so ignorant, but I could never give up.
Does anybody ever know
When they got what they want?

The pace shifted again as Tommy turned to the buildings below the hill, his voice suddenly raising. Loud enough to almost echo through the Esempi.

All my hopes are up on the ceiling
And all my friends are high and I can't keep up!
I can't keep!

He looked up to the sky, now fully shrouded in darkness with the lanterns hanging giving them a soft glow aside from the moon above.

Give me something I can believe in!
'Cause All my friends are high and I can't keep up!
I can't keep up!

(M/n) slowed his strumming again, watching as Tommy started pacing and fidgeting with his fingers. Finally finding a release from all the things that he's kept inside.

Dream Smp x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now