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[Dream x Male Reader]

-Spoilers to Recent Lore
-Dream is a bit ooc but hey Who Cares
-I'm not a C! Dream apologist but that man needs a little bit of comfort

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV
Dream ran after pearling away from Sapnap, cursing under his breath when he didn't get what he originally went to Snowchester for in the first place. 'Why is everything going wrong?!' He thought as he sped through the forest, frustrated tears pricking his eyes as he tried to figure out what he should do. 'There's only one more place I have to go, hopefully he won't be mad.. Gods I hope he isn't angry at me like everyone else..'
The man sprinted out of the tree line into a flower field, seeing a small house just in the middle. He made it just as the sun slipped from the sky to give way to the night. The moon was full and illuminating the small moon flowers and blue lillies. It was breathtaking. Dream paused to catch his breath, fixing himself up the best he can before carefully moving through the field and toward the porch of the small cabin.
Dream took a breath and rose his hand, hesitating for a moment. He knocked gently onto the spruce door, stepping back and fiddling with his sleeve as he waited for someone to answer. He was going to knock again when there was no response before the person opened the door.
"Hello-" (M/n) froze at the sight of the other, his eyes widening as he took in the fact that Dream was standing in front of him. "Clay...?" He stepped forward, his eyes slowly filling with tears. "Hey, (N/n)..." Dream said cautiously, not knowing what to do. "H-how," the shorter took a breath. "How are you out? What happened? How are you here..?" (M/n) reached for him, looking like he just might cry on sight. "Techno owed me a favor. He helped me escape," He gently grasped the other's hand wanting nothing more than to pull him into a hug. "I-I know you might not want to see me, after all the shit that I've been pulling and how.. Horrible I've been to everyone on the server but-" He stopped when he felt arms encircle his wait, his eyes widening and filling with fresh tears. No one has touched him, let alone hugged him, in so long. He forgot what it was like to feel another person's hold and he nearly fell to his knees. Dream wrapped his own arms around the shorter in a tight embrace, holding back a sob as he clutched the back of (M/n)'s shirt. "I'm sorry," he choked out. "I'm so fucking sorry (N/n).."
(M/n) simply held onto the taller, relief and fear roaring through him like a wild fire. He held Dream as the taller cried and shook, he felt his own tears slip down his cheeks as he held on just as tight. "I won't say it's okay. I'm not going to say what you've done will ever be okay, but I will say that I will love you forevermore. I haven't stopped loving you. We made a promise to each other, remember?" He spoke so gently, running his hand across Dream's back in a form of comfort. "I know," He pulled away to look into the others (e/c) eyes. "We promised that we would love each other until the universe itself died. And that we would stay together in each life after this one.." (M/n) starred back into the emerald green eyes, a smile playing at his lips as he moved his hand to caress his scarred cheek. He noticed that there were newer ones, some being far to fresh. He held back his questions, saving them for another time. For right now he simply wanted to drink in every little thing, memorize every flaw and the beauty of them all as if it would be the last time. Dream only leaned into (M/n)'s hand, his eyes closing as he savored the touch.
"I missed you.." Dream mumbled, another tear slipping from his closed eyes. The other leaned forward and kissed the tear, pressing his forehead against Dream's. "I missed you too, my love." He responded, closing his own eyes. "Please don't leave me.." "I won't.."
They stayed like that for a few more minutes, taking in each other's presents before pulling away. "We should head inside and get you cleaned up, I'm sure your dying to rest as well." (M/n) said, pulling on Dream's hand and leading him inside the cottage. Dream, for the first time in a while, let himself genuinely smile while following the shorter. The door closing behind them both. He would take the time he needed to rest, get his strength back and try to heal.
Dream was finally free from the prison and back into the loving arms of his Moon Flower, and he would savor every moment with him as he can.

"Until the universe dies.."
This song holds a special place in my heart, so please enjoy.
Note though, I am again not a C!Dream apologist, but I will admit that what Michael McChill said was my thought process. The prison made him worse, Quackity's torture made him worse.
I wrote this to ease my own mind, he needs some comfort. I think we all do after the recent lore.
I will never say that what C!Dream was okay cause it never EVER will be. Not ever.
I hope you all enjoyed the oneshot and have an amazing day/morning/evening/night.
I'll be seeing you all in the next one!
Thank you for reading!
Farewell dear readers.

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