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[Bench Trio x FatherFigure! Male Reader] Part three to Hold You Here

-Slight angst
-Dream escaped (That's a warning on itself)

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style

Third Person POV:
It was so easy to just leave everything behind, all of the chaos, the conflict, the heartbreak... And (M/n)'s boys have never looked happier.
They had finally made it to a new SMP, (Insert other favorite Smp that's not the DSMP), and everyone who had resided there welcomed the group with open arms and hearts. (M/n) had watched his boys play with their kids with a warm smile on his face as he sat on the porch of their little cabin home in the winter biome they found. It was a bit away from everyone else but close enough for everyone to visit.
(M/n) was holding a tray full of steaming mugs that held either tea or hot cocoa, leaning against the beam whilst his eyes gleamed with happiness. 'They're finally healing, its still a slow process and they may have a bit of a way to go but-' His thoughts got interrupted when he heard his old communicator go off inside the cabin, causing the older man to tense up. He quickly slapped on a smile and turned back to they kids playing in the snow, making cute little snowman. "Boys! Come inside and drink something worm! Don't want any of you to get sick." He said, watching the trio and his grandkids approach with grins on their faces, though Ranboo's was a bit softer.
"Thanks Pops!" Tommy said, grabbing his mug and handing the non-spillable cup to Shroud who was snuggled in his fathers chest. "Yeah thanks Grandpa!" The little spider hybrid chirped making the man smile. Shroud and Michael were getting used to speaking common which was good news but (M/N) and the boys would always remind them of their native tongue so they wouldn't ever forget.
The older man saw the kids all go inside with him following after, watching all of them cuddle up on the couch with the tv on playing a random show. He quickly snuck away to his room to grab his old communicator from the Esempi, his from now evident on his features. He saw that he had multiple missed calls from Puffy and Phil and a few panicked texts from some of the others. His brow rose as he went to call Phil back, as much as he hated the man he was curious on why he would call and why everyone seemed so panicked.

"(M/N)! We have a problem!!" He heard as soon as the other answered. "Damn Phil, it's been three months and not even a hello?" He joked but quickly turned serious. "What do you want?" He asked, not even hiding the annoyance in his voice.
"It's Dream, (M/n)!"
His heart stuttered in his chest as he froze. Praying to Primes that he wouldn't hear the sentence he was about to.

"He's Escaped! And coming straight for the boys and you!"

(M/n) felt his communicator slip from his grasp, everything going in slow motion as his brain tried to comprehend what he was just told. He heard the communicator clatter to the floor and Phil's muffled voice coming from it. But the one thing the really alarmed him was the hurried steps coming towards his bedroom. The door slammed open just as the first few tears slip from his eyes, slowly turning to his boys who stood at the door with looks of panic and confusion. Ranboo was the first to step forward and to notice the tears dripping down his father's cheeks. "Dad...?" He spoke softly while Tommy walked over to pick up the communicator, seeing that it was Phil he was talking to. The blonde's eyes widened and he quickly handed the thing to Ranboo, going to comfort his dad instead Tubbo already snuggling into the man with a tight hug.
Ranboo looked at the communicator that was handed to him and quickly brought it to his ear. "Hello...?" He spoke, his tone questioning and unsure. "Ranboo? Where's (M/n)?" Ranboo winced at hearing Phil's voice, running a hand through his hair. "He's still here, just... Whatever you told him spooked or something. C-can you tell me what's going on?" The younger was clearly wanted to go help comfort his dad but stayed to see what caused the man to go into such a state. "I was telling him that Dream escaped from Prison, with Wilbur's help and he's going to go after you boys and (M/n) himself. The green bastard doesn't know where you lot are but after this call ends you need to break the communicator and any other ones that you have. Techno and I, along with the rest of the Esempi will do everything in our power to keep him away from you kids, okay?" Phil said, his tone filled with a fatherly protectiveness that he hadn't used in a while.
To say Ranboo was shocked is an understatement. He was scared, the fear stricken look in his eyes met his Father's now calm gaze. The tears long resided as he reached for the communicator. His voice was as cold as the Arctic itself and sent shivers down the trio's spines as he spoke. "Thank you for the warning Phil, give my regards to Techno and you best warn your other bastard son that If I ever lay eyes on him, the last thing he'll ever see is my axe going through his face." The man quickly ended the call, dropping the communicator back on the floor and smashing it under his boot.
Tommy was confused as he stepped towards his father, trying to meet his gaze. "Pops? What's going on? Who was that on the communicator-"
"Go grab your old communicators and bring them here," His tone sharp but an apologetic smile made its way onto his features. "I'll explain after we destroy them." And with a quick nod from Tubbo and Tommy, the two left but Ranboo stayed behind releasing the shaky breath he had been holding in. "Dad. What are we going to do..?" He spoke, tears forming in his dual colored eyes. "We'll figure it out bubs.." (M/n) said, his tone now gentle as he pulled the taller into a hug. "But just remember that that man will never lay a finger on you or the boys, not while I'm still alive and kicking. I may be old but I still got some fight in me." He tried to joke and he smiled and the small laugh that left Ranboo.
Tommy and Tubbo came back with their communicators, Tommy also holding Ranboo's, and handed them to (M/n) who promptly destroyed all three. "Now tell us what's going on Pops.." The older sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Dream escaped and is trying to find all of us. Phil was the one who called, along with puffy and the others all texted. They were warning us that Wilbur helped that Green Teletubby escape and now he's on the hunt. I destroyed the communicators in case he would try to use those to track us," He saw how Tommy and Tubbo's faces fell into sheer panic and quickly pulled them into a hug, dragging Ranboo into it as well. "It'll be okay, I'll protect you no matter what. And he'll have to go through everyone else from the Esempi and even the people here. Nothing will happen to you boys or Michael and Shroud. I won't allow it." He said, his tone warm and comforting. He felt all three of them tighten there holds on the older and he smiled more. "Now, lets check on the kids and watch some movies, yeah? I think some comfort cuddles and drinks sound good right about now." He said, pulling away and moving towards the door with the trio following behind.
They all smiled when they got back into the living room, Michael and Shroud had both fallen asleep on the couch with Up playing in the background.
(M/n) chuckled softly, a fond look in his eyes as his sons went to take the younglings to bed. 'Yeah, I think we'll be okay.' He thought, moving to sit down on the couch. Unaware of the masked figure and a man in a trench coat standing in the woods just outside their cabin.


Another one shot down! Feeling pretty poggers!
I hope you all enjoyed this third Part and feel free to comment how you feel about it! I love reading everyone's thoughts about what I write.
Please have an amazing day/morning/evening/night! Stay safe out there!
Hydrate and eat something as well, even if its a small amount!
I love and adore you all!

 Please have an amazing day/morning/evening/night! Stay safe out there!Hydrate and eat something as well, even if its a small amount!I love and adore you all!

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Next: Wilbur Soot

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