𝐸𝓃𝒹𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒽

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[S.B.I. X Brother! Male Reader]
(Not a part two to experience-)

-None, it's just pure fluff.

(M/n)=Your Name basically, just in the form of (M/n)-
(H/c)=Hair Color
(E/c)=Eye Color
(S/c)=Skin Color
(F/c)=Favorite color
(2/f/c)=2nd Favorite color
(H/s)=Hair Style
(Y/L/A)= Your living area

Third POV:
Traveling around the Smp was absolutely awe-inspiring, especially with a bunch of rowdy brothers and their doting father. Campfire stories every night, singing with Wilbur to annoy Technoblade, pointing at different weird things with Tommy... (M/n) didn't think his life could get any better than it currently was. He always thought that traveling would be exhausting, hell even boring, but that changed when his father said that they would all be visiting an old friend of his. He hadn't the slightest on who the friend could be but he was excited either way. Though there was the single annoyance, and that was Tommy's constant complaining.

  "Toms, I love you, I really do," The (H/c) started, pinching the bridge of his nose. "But if you complain that your feet hurt one more time I'm going to through you off the nearest cliff." He could hear Wilbur's cackling as Tommy let out some offended noises, their father simply smiled at their antics shaking his head. "Now now, don't go hurting your brother (M/n)." The older blonde playfully scolded. "(M/nnnnn)," Tommy whined, tugging on the older's sleeve. "I'll stop complaining if you carry me!" When the oldest son turned to the youngest, he could see those damn puppy eyes. 'Fuck my one weakness!' (M/n) thought, his other brothers snickering at his misery. "Fine, but only until your feet stop hurting, okay?" He said, kneeling down to give the boy a piggy back ride. The blonde cheered as he hopped on, getting comfortable as the other stood properly once more. "When are you not gonna fall for those puppy dog eyes?" Techno asked in usual monotone voice, raising a bro at his older brother while taking a glance at the younger who was no longer paying attention. "When you stop obsessing over Greek mythology. You even gave us all nicknames from Greek stories Tech." The older shot back in a teasing tone, keeping his eyes on the trail ahead. "Yeah, you call me Icarus, Tommy Thesuas, and (M/n) (Your favorite Greek name)." Wilbur added, popping up next to the three whilst almost giving (M/n) a heart attack. "Hades Wilbur you scared me!" He said, earning an apologetic look from the brunette. "The stories are interesting, besides you should be thankful I don't call you something stupid like 'Big T' or something like Tommy does." Techno said, snorting as Tommy made a noise of protest. "Hey, those are good Nicknames too! Don't you think Wilby? (N/N)?" Tommy asked, looking at his older brothers. "Sure Toms, they're good nicknames." (M/n) said, giving the youngest a warm smile. "You spoil him too much (M/n), his ego's already big enough to fit a stadium." Wilbur teased, poking Tommy's cheek. "Not true!"
"Yeah it is!"
  They all jumped at the volume as Philza turned to look at the four of them, irritation clear in his features. "Oh no, he's gonna craft the belt-" that earned Wilbur an elbow to the gut graciously given by (M/n) who smiled at their father. "Sorry Pops, lets keep going." He said, he got a nod from Phil as they kept going. "Owwwww, your so mean (M/n)." Wilbur whined. "And? Shouldn't have tried to argue with a literal child ("I take offense to that seeing as I'm a BIG MAN!" Tommy had said though they elected to ignore him.), that a low blow even for you." The smirk on (M/n)'s face said it all as he moved to walk to next to Phil, his remark earned a laugh from Techno and another whine from Wilbur as they kept pace.

  (M/n) looked to the setting sun, his eyes squinting. "We're gonna have to stop soon," he mumbled, more to himself than anyone else. "You're right, let's find a place to rest for the night, we'll keep going in the morning." Phil said, already looking for a place to set up camp. Tommy seemed to already have been nodding off, resting his head on (M/n)'s shoulder. The older adjusted his grip enough so the blonde wouldn't fall while he dozed off, glancing at the other two to see that they were looking just about ready to sleep where they stood. (M/n) only laughed, silently nudging Phil and pointing at a spot they could sleep. The areas was a small clearing just off the trail covered enough where mobs wouldn't see them. Phil nodded with a smile, already leading the group to the area and setting up their sleeping mats. Once Tommy's was set up, (M/n laid him down gently to not wake him up though as he was about to get up the blonde grabbed his sleeve to make him stay. The other shook his head and sat down on his which was somewhat in the middle of the group. Tommy was on his left, Wilbur on his right while Techno was on Wilbur's, Phil was on Tommy's left. Wilbur was already knocked out, using (M/n)'s lap as a pillow while Techno slept on leaning against (M/n)'s shoulder. "They have perfectly good mats right there.." He grumbled in faux annoyance, the affection smile on his lips and the hand running through Wilbur's hair gave way to how much he enjoyed that his brother's were being so clingy. Philza watched from his own mat, the exhaustion catching up to the old man. "At least you'll have blackmail material." He said quietly, taking a picture of the four. (M/n) nodded in agreement. "Send that to my communicator?" He asked, gaining a hum as a yes in response. "I'll take the first watch, get some rest old man." "I'm not that old-" Philza got a shushed in reply, making the older grumble as he turned away from his oldest who let out a soft chuckle. "Goodnight guys..." (M/n) said, looking at them all and engraving this moment into his mind knowing he'll look back at his memory and will always smile.

  They may have their ups and downs, and who knows what they future may hold, but so long as they had each other... 'I think we'll be right as rain..' He thought, but who knows, only time will tell.


Allllllrighty! Finally updated this one! Sorry it's so short!
Hope you all enjoyed and have an amazing morning/evening/day/night!

Allllllrighty! Finally updated this one! Sorry it's so short!Hope you all enjoyed and have an amazing morning/evening/day/night!

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Next: Bench Trio

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