Serious A/N

958 21 20

I'm only going to say this once and once alone.
If I see any of my readers hating on Dreams recent reveal or you comparing him to some character or someone, then I will simply ask you to stop reading my stories and block me.

I don't tolerate hate on this app or anywhere else.

It's horrible that I can't even go on Twitter with out seeing such crude and hateful things towards a one man. If he doesn't meet your standards or if his looks let you down then that's on you. You should reflect on what that says about you if you're spreading hate.
REMEBER that your words mean something to others.
Ranboo has even stated that "That's just how the internet is, no face revel from me."
That's saying something on how what others actions and words do.

But as I stated, please block me and stop reading my story if you plan on spreading hate.
There's already too much of that in the world.

Thank you for reading.

Dream Smp x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now