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Ava woke up. Her mind a blur. Screams. Cries and shouting surrounding her, echoing through her ears. Where was she? She looked around the darkroom. A stoney cell with a small gated window on one of the walls. She walked over to it it stood on her tiptoes. Trying to peer out of it. But it was no use she could barely see out of it. Ava turned around. Facing a tall bared door. She walked over to it-


Ava jumped back in panic. And only then she realised the only thing covering her naked, exposed body was a small white sheet.

"Where do you think you're going pretty-one?" the same long-haired man from Hogwarts said. He held his wand up and muffled a charm at her. She felt dizzy. She fell on to her back. Her senses disappearing, until there was nothing.


The carriage came to a stop. Causing Ava's sore and tired eyes to jolt awake. She looked around at everyone else, who also seemed to be aware of the sudden stop. Footsteps could be heard outside the carriage, getting closer.

"We should fight!" suggested George.

"No," Ginny argued "your hurt and it will only make things worse."

The door of the carriage opened with a loud creak and a slam. Two death eaters dressed in long black cloaks stepped in. Ava was the first to be grabbed. George, Dean and Ginny yelling at the men. They put tape over her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. The last thing she saw was Dean and Luna being grabbed before a bag was pulled over her head. They yanked her out and she felt more hands grab her. She couldn't see anything. But she could hear cries from inside of the carriage getting quieter and quieter as she walked. Someone holding her arm, leading the way.

She walked for a while, her broken and torn shoes causing her bare feet to hurt as she stepped on stones.

She heard a door open. She walked and walked until another door was opened and whoever was dragging her along, pushed her inside as she fell to the floor. She was unable to get up as her hands were tied together and a bag over her head. She couldn't see a thing. The door slammed and she felt hands on her once again.

She was rolled over, sitting on the ground. Waiting for what's to come.

The bag was pulled off her head and she looked around. A dark stoney cell. A tall man in front of her. He started to untie her hands.

"Don't try anything. If you do. I'll kill you," the man said with venom as he stared down at her.

As the ropes were pulled from her wrists, she saw they were bleeding. The man pulled her tie from her chest, she watched as her Gryffindor tie was thrown to the floor. Next, he began un-buttoning her shirt.

"W-what are you doing—?" Ava murmured in a quiet voice.

"Shut up?" he seethed and then gave up trying to unbutton the small buttons so instead he ripped her shirt, exposing her chest. She felt exposed, scared and uncomfortable. She couldn't do anything as the man pulled the torn shirt down her arms. She had cuts and bruises all over her. Ava thought he was about to take her bra off but she let out a relieved sigh once she realised he wasn't.

Instead, he stood her up as she struggled to hold her body weight up. He pulled the zip down of her skirt and then ripped her red pleated skirt from her body. She stood in shock as she stood in her underwear. Her hands held up in front of her chest, covering her body as best she could.

She felt so small.

The man stared at her. Just staring. His eyes drifting down her body. She couldn't do anything as the tall, disgusting looking man stared at her small exposed body.

Finally, his eyes looked away from her. He grabbed her ripped, bloody clothes from the floor. He walked out and threw them into a large can that was on fire. She noticed other men throwing clothes into it. Clothes of her former classmates.

The man walked back in with a white sheet. He starred at her once again.

"Take off everything else," the man said.

She hesitated. Didn't move.

"Do it. Or I'll will," the man said in a stern voice.

She did. Unhooking her bra slowly letting the straps fall down her shoulders. She threw it at him. Her bra landing below his feet. He looked at it and then back up at her as she held her hands over her breasts.

"Continue," he said as he looked at her underwear and then back up at Ava's face.

Tears falling from her eyes as she took a deep rigid breath and then removed her hands from her breast. And began pulling her underwear down her legs as she stepped out of them. She threw them at him also. This time he didn't remove his eyes from her body.

She held her hands in front of her chest again as she cried. Trying not to fall to the ground and curl into a small ball.

A few painful seconds passed.

Finally, he threw the white sheet at her. Immediately she wrapped the tiny sheet around her chest, which just about covered everything. She fell to the ground, her knees against her chest as she sat in the corner of the dark cell. The man still watching her.

Ava looked away and ducked her head into her knees. Hoping the man would leave.

Eventually, she heard the door close. And then she cried and cried until there were no more tears. Then she simply stared at the wall until her eyes fell asleep.

Copyright © Kirsten Enn

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