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Ava woke up to the sound of metal hitting on their room door and lights turning on. Ava rolled over, now facing the others, who were also waking up. Ava didn't get much sleep but with the little sleep she got, she still somehow forgot where she was. She hated it and she wished to be dead than alive but she has to remain strong for everyone else.

"Well I guess it's time to start our training, " George sighed as he walked past Ava's bed.

Everyone began getting dressed while Ava slowly rolled out of her bed. She pulled the thin covers from her body and somewhat made her bed. At the end of her bed laid a pile of clothes and boots on the floor. She began to get dressed.

She pulled the tight training trousers on her legs which had pockets in them. She thought maybe for weapons to be placed in. Next, she put the black long sleeve top on. The clothes were tight but surprisingly easy to move around in. She put her feet in the boots and tied the laces up. Ava pulled her hair into a high ponytail and finished off by splashing her face with water and brushing her teeth.

Once she was ready she caught her reflection in the mirror. She didn't recognise herself at all. She had grown in a year. She looked older. Different. Skinner and fragile. She took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom where everyone sat in the room. Waiting for the bell to ring.

And just as Ava went to sit, the bell rang. She wasn't nervous before but now her stomach twisted in knots. She caught eyes with Dean who sent her a kind smile. Ensuring Ava that it will be okay.

They walked down the stairs and out of the door. As they walked out into the hall, so was everyone else. The hall looked different. There were no longer any tables instead there was training equipment. Small fighting arenas. Ava followed the crowd and stood beside Dean and George. At the front of the crowd stood two cloaked men, who were facing the crowd. Ava turned her head and saw Hermione stood beside Ginny. Hermione still looked like she wasn't here. It was like her soul had left her body and now there is just nothing.

The doors of the hall opened and in walked three clocked individuals. A girl and two boys. They walked to the front of the crowd. They spoke to the other two clocked men and then turn around and face us. Ava's eyes widen as she recognised them. Pansy, Blaise and Theo. Former Slytherins and a part of the people who tormented Ava and her friends. They looked older, stronger and Ava couldn't help but feel frightened from them. Just by the way, they looked down at them, like they were nothing.

"We have been burdened with the training of you, " spoke Blaise, his voice was deeper than ava remembered. "We won't have any problems as long as you all listen to what we tell you."

"There are four stages of your training" spoke Theo, "you will need to move up and if you don't in time, well-" his lips formed into a smirk "you will be killed"

"It's as simple as that," said Pansy "I suppose there won't be many of you here for the combats. Makes our life easier" she laughed at the end of her sentence.

"Combat?" Dean questioned quietly from beside Ava as she shrugged in response. Unsure by what she meant.

"So with that being said, you will be split into groups to begin your training. I suggest you listen and do as we say otherwise you will be killed" said Blaise.

The crowd was gradually split Into groups. Ava was moved into a group with about ten others. She recognised Seamus, Cho, and Hannah. A few others who Ava couldn't remember the names of or people she didn't speak to.

The first step of their day they had to do workouts. Hard workouts. They did it for about three hours. As hard as Ava found it, she knew she had to push herself. Her weak and fragile body was burning and in pain but she didn't stop. Not once. After the three hours of workouts, they were allowed a break. Everyone was moved into a separate room where they ate lunch. She briefly spoke to George, Dean, Hermionie and Ginny but before she knew it they were split again. Back in the same groups as before.

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