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Draco couldn't move. He couldn't breathe. All he felt was vicious rage, unlike anything he has ever felt before. There were multiple hands and knees pressing down on him, forcing him down against the stone floor, rendering him frozen, forcing him to watch Ava bleed to death.

He screamed but it sounded more like a growl from a demon that was trapped in the deepest darkest pit of hell. The echo of it stained the walls of the great hall, where he once would have admired Ava from the Slytherin table as she sat with the Gryffindors. Keeping his admiration secret.

He should have told her about his feelings sooner, maybe they wouldn't be in this position right now.

And now, there was nothing Draco could do but watch Ava die. Listen to Voldemort's laughter and watch the glory gleam in his snake-like eyes. The monster looked down at Draco, made sure he was watching and aimed for Ava's stomach again. She was already limp, Draco didn't know if she was still alive or if death had already taken her but if she wasn't, stabbing her again would end her.

However, before Voldemort got the chance to stab Ava again, an arrow snapped through the air and pierced Voldemort's hand and his dagger dropped to the stone floor with a clatter.

For a moment, there was silence.

Then the doors of the great hall were swung open and in limped Victor with his sword drawn.

"There are intruders," Victor yelled, looking rather sweaty and his face morphed into a mixture of things. Draco was too angry and too distracted trying to get free to decipher what that look truly meant.

"Find them," Voldemort yelled, one hand holding his other bleeding hand," and kill them!"

Chaos erupted as a group of clocked figures swarmed the great hall and the screams and shouts made Draco's ears ring.

An explosion erupted by the throne and the hall was quickly filled with debris. It was hectic. It was chaotic. But still, Draco was being forced to the ground and all he could think about was how he needed to get Ava out of here and save her. She was bleeding out. Dying.

Some pressure released and Draco couldn't see, but one of the assassins let go of him and went to help fight.

Draco looked up through the smoke, trying to see Ava. Trying to make sure Voldemort was leaving her alone. But he couldn't see, there was far too much smoke and chaos.

With the pressure lessened and the disarray of destruction and fighting around him, Draco was able to raise himself and swing his elbow back. More pressure was released from his body when a whine of pain sounded from behind him and an assassin fell to the floor holding his bloody nose.

Draco growled as he turned his body and quickly blocked a punch aimed at his face from another assassin. He then kicked his leg up and knocked the other assassin to his backside. The assassin on top of Draco threw a punch to the side of his face and the ringing in his ears silenced the hall.

Another punch bruised his cheekbone.

His face turned to the side and saw Ava hanging limp from the chains, blood still spilling from her stomach. And it was like the world had slowed when he saw how lifeless Ava was. She hung from the chains like an animal and her body lightly swayed from them. Then, through the smoke, a cloaked figure came out from the bliss of chaos and unclasped Ava's bruised wrists and her lifeless body fell into the cloaked figure.

Draco's brows furrowed, struggling to see through the smoke. Trying to see who was taking Ava away.

Another punch to his face brought Draco back to the fight around him, to the bastard assassin on top of him who most likely was one of his classmates a few years ago.

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