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"That was foolish of you," Draco said quietly to Ava as he forcefully picked her back up by her arm and walked her out of the hall. Ava knew well not to turn back and react to Draco's hushed words and instead let Draco lead her out.

The hall had been packed with death eaters and Assassins surrounding, watching what had just happened between Ava and the dark lord, but their eyes didn't frighten her, nor did the tests next week.

If she survived them, she will be one step closer to seeking her revenge on the dark lord. And if she fails them, well, death seems like the only kindness this war could offer her.

Only when they exited the hall, did Ava speak, "what else should I have done? Declined?"

"No," Draco responded, eyes still facing forward, no emotion played on his features, "he would have killed you right there."

"So what should I have done instead?" Ava asked, still keeping her voice quiet.

Draco breathed in a heavy breath and let out a sigh, "I don't know. But I fear this will get you killed."

"What?" Ava could help that tiniest smile that came to her lips, "do you not think I could beat the tests?"

"This isn't a joke!" Draco raised his voice slightly, "you have no idea what the dark lord would do to you. What his men would do to you!"

Ava stayed quiet. Her smile faded.

"I've seen terrible things," Draco continued, "things I won't ever get out of my head. Things I wish never happen to you or anyone else ever again."

His words made Ava question what really happened in that year Ava was in that cell. The year after the battle of Hogwarts. It felt like one big blur.

Draco still owed her an explanation about why he is doing all of this — why she seems to matter to him all of a sudden?

"Why didn't the dark lord just kill us all after the battle at Hogwarts? Why keep us alive? Torture us?" Ava asked, finally looking over her shoulder to Draco, his throat bobbed a moment before he realised Ava was looking at him.

"I told you I will explain everything soon," Draco replied, "but right now, I need to keep you alive and safe." Again, the same question came to Ava's mind, why?


They reached the room where the dark lord wanted Ava. Before leaving the great hall the dark lord told Draco to take her to the towers. Draco of course obeyed the order. And now they've arrived. They had walked up a set of small spiral stairs, dark cobblestone walls surrounded the stairs and at the top of what Ava assumed was the tower, was a large dark brown door. Ava noticed the large lock on the door.

"This is where the dark lord wants you kept," Draco said, "this is where you will have to stay. I'll no doubt be in charge of bringing you your meals and making sure you are behaving."

Ava looked back at the large door and was afraid of what her living conditions would be like for what may be the last week of her life.

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