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Ava's eyes opened to full consciousness, which felt so strange that it felt like a dream. The pain was gone, well mostly but it was bearable. There was no more blur or confusion anymore. And she could hear like normal again. Everything was clear again.

She awoke lying on her back and looking up at a shattered roof of a factory of some sort and could hear little murmurs of chatter and shuffling about, clanking sounds like cutlery or even weapons, she couldn't tell which, maybe both.

She felt well enough to sit and when she did, she waited for the stars to appear but they did not. She waited for her body to pull her back down but found herself to sit up like a normal functional human.

The mess from the fallen, abandoned factory was scattered across the place. Pillars half hanging from the ceiling where clothes now hung. Vines and leafs spiralling up the fallen pillars and brick walls, as well as greenery growing up from the ground like mother nature was taking over the building. The glass windows shattered and tree branches growing inside.

A few tents and makeshift beds were placed around the large building and people. Actual people were talking, sleeping, eating and even training.

This must be a dream because these people were once trapped in Hogwarts castle with her, and had been her classmates long before. A few she didn't recognise, a few with bruises and injured limbs but they were alive. She was alive.

No one had noticed Ava yet, and she didn't really know what to do. Ava's memories were foggy and slowly coming back to her. From being chained up, to Voldemort's impaling her with a blade Draco had chosen, she flinched, looked down at her belly and saw a bandage wrapped around her lower stomach.

She wore a black tank top, a top she wore under her training clothes and she still had her black trousers on. Her shoes were placed beside the makeshift bed she had been sleeping on. Ava then noticed the bandage that was tied around her bicep.

Chills spiraled up Ava's spine when the image of Draco cutting her bicep with vicious speed and with no remorse flashed in her mind. And then she remembered the last time she saw Draco, before that blissful unconsciousness took her captive. He was being held down to the floor by three Assassins. Detrimental terror and destructive rage had swarmed his eyes.

Ava had never seen such a terrifying look before.

Where is he? Ava wondered and then began to panic. Is he here?

"I've been waiting for you to wake up for days,"  a voice spoke from behind her. She whipped her head back.


Ava's eyes widened and she felt like crying.

"What are you?—how?—where is?" Ava found forming sentences to be a difficult task.

Ava smiled and then stood, his Godly build and height still shocking her as she watched him walk to the bed she was sitting on and then sit at the end, just by her feet.

"Don't worry, I'm going to explain everything to you," Victor smiled, placing a comforting hand on her ankle, "It will have to be quick, there are a few people who are very eager to see you. But I told them, "I should be the one to tell you everything."

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