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Ava decided she needed to shower. The others had all taken one and changed into their new clothes, all black training clothing. Ava had stayed seated on her designated bed. She couldn't stop looking at Hermionie, she was struggling and she was hurt. Hermione's soul had been drained from her body. Ava saw no more life in Hermionie. Only a tired and weak girl. No longer the sweet and smart girl Ava remembered.

Ava had spent months searching for the Horcruxes with Hermionie. Spent three years helping Harry find a way to kill Voldermort. Ava wouldn't have been able to do any of it if it was for Hermionie. And now Ava's heart aches knowing she can't help her in return. All those long nights and tiring days, all for nothing.

But Ava won't let those years go to waste. Ava is going to fight and she is going to survive. For Harry, for Ron, for Fred, and herself. And she's going to try her best to convince Hermionie to do the same.

"You should probably have a shower..." Ava's eyes tore away from Hermione and saw Dean sitting at the end of the bed. "...you stink"

Ava's lips curled into a small smile "shut up. I've been in a cell for the past year"

"Yeah, the least Voldemort could have done, was given us a shower" Dean smiled.

Both dean's and Ava's smiles slowly faded away. Although they were joking about the situation, both of them were tormented by the memories of that year. The cold and dark cells. Slow, agonising, hunger which was a cruel reminder; they were still alive. Only a sheet to keep their bodies.

Ava gave Dean a small smile as she stood from her bed. She grabbed the folded clothing that was already placed on her bed and made her way to the small bathroom. It had black tiled flooring, one small dirty mirror above a small sink. Beside the sink was a small black toilet. In front of the sink and toilet, was a shower curtain. Ava shut the door which had no lock. Ava slid the shower curtain to the side and inside was a small shower head and a faucet.

Ava removed the white sheet which hanged on her body at her shoulder's. Ava took a look in the mirror at her body. She almost jumped back in shock. Ava didn't recognise the girl that was in the mirror. Her face was thinner and more defined. Dark circles where formed under her eyes. Ava bought her hands to her face as she looked at herself. She was skinner, so skinny that she looked sick. Her bones on her chest bulging out of her chest. Her legs had almost no fat on them whatsoever. Ava couldn't believe that she didn't notice before. Ava wiped her eyes before any tears could fall.

She turned the faucet of the shower and the warm water dripped down her body. The water was more cold than warm but it felt hot to her. She grabbed the soap from the small shelf and began scrubbing the dirt from her skin. The water beneath her feet was a brown colour. All the dirt from the cell all being washed away. She felt like crying, her throat hurting as she held back her tears but eventually they fell. She continued to scrub at her skin as more tears fell. She washed her hair with the small bottles of shampoo.

Once the water was clear again Ava forced herself to stop crying. She grabbed the towel and dried her body. Taking deep breaths to calm herself down. She has to seem fine to be there for the others, especially for Hermione.

Ava slipped into the clothes provided for her. Thick black trousers, a long-sleeve black top with a deep V neck. For shoes, there were small black boots. Once she was dressed she brushed her hair out, letting her black curls fall down her back.

She walked out of the bathroom and sat on the sofa beside George. He was sat with his legs sprawled out and his chin resting on his hand. Everyone seemed to have the same clothes on, like a uniform.

"You alright," he asked her as she sat down.

"Never better" Ava lied.

"Yeah" George replied in agreement. "This is all a load of shit! But I agree with what you said earlier about getting through this year and then finding a way to escape"

"It's the only way I see us surviving," Ava said "just survive this year and then we can figure out a way to get out of this place"

"You think that little plan of yours will work" Seamus sat down on the sofa opposite them. "If you do, your just as thick as you were in school"

Ava furrowed her brows, both confused and disgusted by his words. George however sat up straight in his seat, looking rather annoyed.

"Your the only thick one here. Bet you will be one of the first to go" George said with a small laugh.

"Really? You two are sat here making stupid getaway plans"

"It's not stupid. It's smart" Ava spoke with confidence in her plan.

Seamus scoffed "whatever" and walked away from them.

A few moments later a sound of a ringing bell came from the bottom of the stairs. Everyone looked at each other and slowly got up.

"Just do as they say. Make them believe we are okay with it. Make them trust us" said George.

Ava noticed Hermione still sat on the floor, she was changed but still sat in the same place. Ava approached her while the others disappeared down the stairs.

"Hermionie, we have to go" Ava said as she crouched beside her.

"I can't" Hermione replied.

"You can!" responded Ava.

"Come on" Ava held out a hand.

Hermionie looked up at Ava. She hesitated but took Ava's hand. Ava felt relieved once Hermionie took her hand. She wasn't sure of the consequences for not going down when the bell rang and she didn't want to find out either.

Ava and Hermionie walked down the stairs. The door at the bottom is now wide open. Small chatter could be heard from the hall. Slowly both of them approached the door.


AN: this chapter was a bit boring but I promise it will start getting better! And as you can tell Draco has only made an appearance once. he will slowly be introduced :)
Copyright © 90swh0r3

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