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When Ava had returned with Blaise at her side she received an overwhelming amount of stares. In the week she has been away, they all believed her to be in the hospital wing. They didn't and shouldn't know that she was with Draco, in his personal room. But by the number of stares she was getting, all the whispering, she was beginning to question everything.

Did they know?

Or maybe it was just because she got the shit beaten out of her by Seamus.

Ava took a seat at her usual table for dinner. She felt very out of place. She always had. Being here wasn't her choice but she had gotten a little used to it. Once Ava was sat, Blaise gave her a small nod and walked away.

It was George and Dean who was looking at her with worried looks. Everyone else had seemed to go back to eating.

"Are you alright?" Dean asked her, he pushed a hand toward her and placed his hand on her hand.

"Yeah, I am okay now," Ava replied and forced a smile. She still had a few bruises and fading scars on her face but other than that, she was okay. As okay as she could be.

"Where did you go?" George asked her as Ava began picking at the food in front of her. Eating small bits of it.

"The hospital wing," Ava responded.

"What was it like?" Ginny asked from beside her, Ava hadn't even realised she was there.

"The same as I last saw it," Ava answered, "but with more beds and more people lying in them."

"What about the castle? Did you go anywhere else? Any chance of escaping?" Ginny quizzed her.

"Ginny! Relax!" George said and Ava shot him a small smile.

"There is no chance of escaping." Ava answered honestly, "there are death eaters everywhere. Guards and assassins at every corner and every exit."

"So we are truly stuck here?" Ginny asked but it was more of a realisation than a question.

The thought of what the outside looked like appeared in Ava's mind. Nothing but a dark fog, smoke and fires. No sign of the beautiful Hogwarts Ava remembered.

"Where's Hermione?" Ava asked them when she realised her best friend was nowhere to be seen.

They all turned to the right of them and it was George who pointed to the end of the table. Hermione sat with her small, skinny legs tucked into her closely. Her head rested on her boney knees as her teary eyes stared at the empty table in front of her.

She was in even worse of a state than Ava remembered. Guilt pierced her heart at the sight of the girl, the girl who was once filled with so much joy and happiness. The girl who would get annoyed at Ron for being lazy. The girl who would find it fun to revise and read. The girl who would have done anything for her friends. But most of her friends are now dead. Her family no longer knows she exists.

She is nothing but a broken girl now. All the fighting and sacrifices she made, was for nothing.

Ava couldn't speak.

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