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Ava woke up in that same darkroom. The room she had never gotten used to waking up in. But for the three days, she was with Draco, waking up on his sofa, with the light of the outside world was better than this. Even after she discovered what truth lay behind that curtain.

Anything would be better than waking up on, the small bunk bed with a think pillow and small blanket she had for comfort. Although it did neither of those things.

A few seconds of painful silence passed before the bell rang and the lights flickered on. Ava immediately got out of her bed and went straight to the bathroom with her change of clothes.

She wanted to be in there first before anyone else got the chance.

Ava made sure to be quick dressing and pulling her hair into a braid at the back of her head, the shorter pieces of her dark hair falling in front of her face.

She made sure not to look in the mirror for too long. She didn't want to. She didn't want to see the fading bruises or the cut on her cheekbone. Only one thing was on her mind and that was getting out of this place alive. And if she had to become a cruel Assassin to do so then so be it.

She almost gave up when she was beaten by Seamus in front of everyone. It made her feel weak and she felt as though everyone knew it. But now she intends to prove them all wrong.

And so when Ava finished in the bathroom, she knew Seamus was sitting at the end of his bed, elbows on his knees and eyeing Ava as she walked past, but Ava didn't so much as a glance in his direction.

A simple move. A powerful move.


Ava trained the whole day. Just as she did yesterday. Ignoring her aching muscles and sore limbs. She pushed and pushed through each workout and each part of the training. And Seamus only looked at Ava. Anger on his features as he glared at Ava all day. Ava was certain the only reason he didn't say anything was because of the prying eyes of Draco Malfoy.

He watched, from a distance, but it was clear as day that he was watching every move Seamus made. Ready to pounce in. To kill Seamus no doubt.

Ava tried her best not to look at Draco, although she failed a few times. He blended in with the shadows, no one else seemed to notice him standing tall in the corner but Ava knew he was there and so did Seamus.

It wasn't until Adrian came in and whispered something in Draco's ear. Draco walked out quickly with Adrian and only looked at Ava once as he walked out. Ava wouldn't see him again that day.

Thirty minutes passed by and Ava has finished up knife throwing when she saw Seamus come up to her side and pick up a set of knives. His narrowed eyes gawked at Ava, a playful grin on his face. Then he swung his arm back and not even a second later, the clash of the knife hit the board in front of them.

Ava sighed and decided she wasn't done with knife throwing. Not when Seamus thinks he is better than her. Not when he stands there with a proud grin on his face.

He threw another and it hit the board, right beside the one he threw a few seconds ago.

Good, but I am better. Ava's voice was strong in her mind as she swung the knife in the air, caught it in her hands and threw the knife at the board. And it hit right in the centre of the two knives Seamus threw.

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