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Ava walked out of the door, now entering the hall. Tables were spread across the hall, former students sat at each one. All dressed in the same black clothes. Ava began walking, scanning the hall. Dark tall stone walls, and at the top were windows, the moon shining through them. Chandler's hung from the ceilings lighting up what would be a dark room. A few of the students laughed and some were silent. Some looked happy and some looked scared.

Hermionie held onto Ava's arm, walking close to her side. Hermionie was one of the scared, maybe even terrified but Ava couldn't blame her. This was all so strange and terrifying.

Around the edge of the hall were men and women, wearing long clocks. All holding onto swords or some sort of weapon Ava didn't recognise. Ava caught eyes with one of them. Adrian Paucey. A former Slytherin who was part of the group who constantly called Ava and her friend's names, who constantly tormented them every day. Well mainly Hermionie, Ron and Harry. Ava always tried to avoid them.

Ava and Adrian's eyes stayed connected, he watched her walk, his lips forming into the smallest smirk.

"They're there," said Hermionie said in a shaky voice as she pointed to Dean who was sat with the others on a table.

Hermionie and Ava began walking over to them. Ava tearing her eyes from Adrian. She couldn't tell what that smirk meant or why he was staring at her but Ava hoped he was just trying to scare her or something stupid like that. Ava sat down beside Dean, Hermione sitting next to Ava. Seamus, George and Ginny sat in front of them. On the table was a huge buffet, plates filled with mouth-watering food. Much better than a roll and warm bottle of water.

"Woah" Ava muttered to herself.

"I know," said Dean "seems all to much"

"I thought we were supposed to be prisoners," said Ginny.

"I guess not anymore," said George as he grabbed a few potatoes from a plate in front of him. "I mean, I'm not complaining. I'm starving and we are supposed to be gaining their trust"

"Your right" replied Ava, "we should eat"

"Oh of bloody course we should eat," said Seamus "if you want your silly plan to work then your gonna wanna eat"

"Be quiet, Seamus," said George, his voice filled with annoyance. Seamus scoffed and turned away, grabbing a plate full of food.

Ava looked at the food, she hesitated but with a nudge of Dean's arm and a smile from his lips, she picked up her fork and grabbed a few potatoes, placing them on the plate in front of her. She grabbed some broccoli and a piece of chicken. She began eating it. Her mouth-watering as she did so. She hasn't eaten a meal in a year, only living off a roll. This felt like heaven but she knew she was really in hell.

Ava noticed Hermionie only had a small amount of food on her plate, Hermionie pushed around her potatoes with her fork.

"You need to eat Hermionie!" said Ava.

Hermionie looked over at Ava with her eyes red and teary. She looked back at her food and began eating it. She didn't say anything to Ava, but Ava didn't care as long as Hermione was eating.


They all continued eating. Not many conversations were had, only simple small talk. But—there wasn't much to discuss. None of them was used to all of this. The rest of the tables in the hall were the same. The hall was filled with natural chatter and whispers, and the sounds of buttery and plates. It all seemed unreal. It felt like they shouldn't be here.

They shouldn't.

Suddenly, Ava's attentions from her plate was bought somewhere else. The room began to grow quieter—quieter than before—the sound of footsteps could be heard from the entrance. Ava looked over and saw a tall cloaked man walking in. He walked with long strides and their face down with a hood covering most of their face. Only a defined jawline and mouth could be seen. He walked to the platform at the front of the hall and stood at the front. Still, Ava couldn't tell who it was. He stood with his hand clasped around a sword that was attached to his belt.

"Who is that—" Ava heard Ginny ask.

"No idea" replied Dean.

"Don't think it's someone we know?" asked Ginny again.

"Wouldnt be surprised" sighed George.

Ava still looked over curiously. She wanted to find out as much as she could and whoever this Cloaked man was, was someone important. Maybe high up in Voldemort's ranks.

Adrian walked over to the cloaked man and whispered to him. And still, with his hood over his face, the man slightly turned in Ava's direction. The clocked man said something and then smirked, causing small laughter to escape Adrian. If the man had his hood down then Ava was certain he would have been looking at her. Ava felt something twist in her stomach as Adrian walked away. Looking at Ava once again. This caused her to look away immediately.

Ava heard another set of footsteps walking through the hall. She turned back over to the platform and this time Voldermort stepped up onto it. Voldermort always seemed to have an evil presence to him.

"This oughta' be good" scoffed Seamus.

The cloaked man walked over to him and said something to him. Voldermort nodded and placed a hand on the mans shoulder. Then as Voldermort turned to greet the students, the cloaked man walked down the steps of the platform and out of the hall. The man turned his head and caught eyes with Ava. For a few short seconds, the man's icy blue hues locked with Ava's hazel eyes. Ava felt sick to her stomach. She could have sworn she recognised him. He seemed familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it. Whoever it was, he was evil, he was close with the dark lord and he was definitely bad news.

Ava turned away first, uncomfortably shifting in her seat.

"Well I hope the food is to your standard-" mocked Voldermort as he spoke, "-make sure you all eat, you will need your strength for what's to come. Training begins tomorrow"


Copyright © 90swh0r3

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