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Ava grabbed a towel and a robe from one of the wardrobes in the bedroom. She had examined every clothing item in there and she found clothes for every type of event and occasion. Towels and robes. Socks and undergarments. Blankets and pillows. Everything.

But she hated it all and told herself she would only wear what she had to. These clothes had most likely belonged to a family and were stolen from their homes before the death eaters killed them.

Or worse; These clothes had been taken from their bodies. Ava felt sick just by the thought.

She couldn't think about it. She has a role to play, to prevent more clothes and items from being stolen.


The showers were dingy but sanitary. Rows of cubicles with showers and sinks in each one. She undressed feeling like eyes where on her. Like she was being watched. And even though the water was deliciously warm, she showered as quick as she possibly could.

She dressed in her shower robe and wished she had bought more clothes. The thin fabric only just about covered everything. She tied it against her as tightly as she could.

Ava unlocked the cubical door, the click echoing about the shower room. It was quiet as she walked toward the entrance, her feet tapping against the wetened floor.

But then there were other footsteps. Footsteps that did not belong to her. She paused. Her entire body became alert as she listened to the footsteps approach.

Then the cause of those steps rounded the corner, freezing when they saw her.

It was Nathan, a tall skinny boy who had been friends with Seamus. He was in Ravenclaw but Ava always thought he should have been in Slytherin. He was just as cruel as them.

"Well, well, well," a playful smirk grew on his lips.

He was much more muscular now, she could see. His chest was bare and a towel was wrapped around his waist. And Ava hated how her eyes slowly fell down his body. She hated that she now found herself attracted to him.

He had always been handsome, which made it even harder when he would throw her insults, but now—

"I've been waiting to bump into you," he snarled.

"And why's that?" Ava's eyes shot to his own, his dark, damp hair dripping down his cheeks.

"Because you got Seamus killed," he stepped closer. she took a step back.

"He is not dead yet," she clarified.

"No but he will be," he rose his brows and again took another step closer, "and it's all your fault."

Only if he knew she was planning to rescue everyone who was eliminated, including Seamus, as much as she hated the thought.

"It's not my fault I had best him," Ava snarled back, trying her best to seem as confident as she possibly could.

He smiled. Clearly, she was amusing him.

But that smile suddenly was wiped from his face me he stalked toward her quickly until her back was against the wall and his arms were blocking any chance she had at escaping.

But she wasn't that scared little Gryffindor anymore. She was brave; how she was supposed to be. She was strong and she wasn't going to let this boy intimidate her. Not anymore.

"What are you going to do?" she tilted her head, raising her chin and looking him dead in the eyes.

He smiled again, and then his eyes fell to her lips. She wanted to spit in his face.

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