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Ava knelt in the destroyed great hall, awaiting her fate. Awaiting death, to be executed like her classmates. Her hands shaking in her lap just like the other students—All knelt on their knees. Waiting. Her tears stinging the cut on her cheek as they fell down her face. Her hair was messy and her Gryffindor uniform was ripped, stained with dirt and blood. Blood from herself and others, she couldn't tell anymore.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she heard footsteps echoing closer.

Ava looked to the left and saw a friend. Now dead. Eyes closed and face bruised. Blood stained his messy ginger hair. Kneeling only a few meters away was George, staring at his brother who laid limp in front of him. Ava's throat pained as she tried to hold back more tears. Her nails digging into her palms as she tried her hardest not to run out screaming. Be brave! That's what everyone used to tell her even though she never believed it. Always put on a show for everyone. That's what she did and that's what she was trying to do right now.

Harry used to say "if others believe you are brave, soon you will too." his encouraging voice echoed in her ears like an angel.

Harry was the bravest person she knew and now he's dead. Gone forever. Ava wondered if being brave meant not being scared of dying. She wondered if Harry was scared in his last moments. How can she be brave?

Her panic thoughts were cut short as Voldemort's words made her body jump in fear. She wished she could be anywhere but here.

"Well. What will I do with all of you?"

Voldemort stood at the front of the hall. Glass shattered beneath his bare feet and declaration that once filled the tables and walls broken in pieces on the floor. All the memories, everything gone. Forgotten. Like nothing ever happened. The hall was once filled with laughter and now it's filled with cries. Nothing but pain and fear.

"I could kill you all?" Voldermort suggests with a disgusting grin on his face "—or I could make use out of you all?"

Everyone turns, murmurs to their friends and loved ones, whereas Ava stares blankly at him. A demon. That's what he is.

"SILENCE!" He yells and everyone is so quiet you could hear a single pin drop on the floor.

"Those of you who can fight will be taken. I will make good use out of you-" he laughs "and those of you who aren't as lucky will be sent to the factories, to work for me. And those of you who are injured, well. There's no point in wasting resources on you"

More murmurs spread around the hall again. People were frightened. Voldermort is a vicious beast. He is cruel. Nobody thought it would be this bad. Ava thought she was stupid for having faith. She laughed to herself through her tears, which stung her eyes as they fell, how is she alive? She couldn't help but think. Out of everyone who survived, why did she? The universe is a cruel place and now, Ava believes it more than ever before.

Death eaters began sorting through the students. Picking and choosing who they thought could fight and who couldn't. Ava hoped they'd just kill her. She watched as innocent people were thrown to either side like they were nothing.

They were getting closer to Ava. She looked down, unable to witness it anymore. Cries and screams echoing in her ears but she could hear her heartbeat and rigid breaths louder than anything. A drop of blood fell to the floor from her wound, she saw it splash onto the bloodstained floor.

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