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Draco had to leave. He didn't want to, Merlin, he did not want to. But he was supposed to be at the great hall five minutes ago. He's the Dark Lords' most trusted Assassin and Death eater and he has duties to pretend to care about.

He already has to come up with a lie as to why he was late, which he is currently deciding as he walked to the great hall. But somethings distracting him. Draco can still feel Ava's lips on his and can still smell her scent, lingering, teasing him.

He'll say his daily visits to the dungeons took longer than he presumed—A prisoner was trying to pick the locks. Yes, that'll have to do.

Draco felt a little more okay now. That anger he had always felt was lessening. It was so hot in his mind, but now—He felt more at ease. But that would end the moment he stood beside the Dark Lord and everyone will think he is a loyal killer and will do anything for the great Dark Lord.


Ava dressed in a pair of dark, tight fitted trousers and a long sleeve black top, which cut slightly into a low V. It was the best she could find and she certainly wasn't trying to impress anyone. She has a war to end. Which she laughs at herself for, her sixth-year self would never have thought she would be the one to end the war.

That was Harry. That was always Harry. Even though she was by their side throughout their research, when they went to the DA meetings and had to flee Greengots and countless other times when she was right there, by their side.

But she was always a little helping hand, she never did anything amazing or figured out anything. That was all Hermione.

She was always on the sidelines and she didn't mind. Although she always wondered what it would feel like to be a hero and be praised the way Harry was.

She hoped Harry would be looking down at her and feeling proud of how strong and brave she had become. He would always give her little talks and say something like, "You're the bravest person I know, you just have to believe in yourself."

She'd always laugh it off feeling only a little braver before their missions.

She missed him so much. She misses them all.

She's doing this all for them.


Ava walked into the Great hall with George at her side. Where students once sat, laughing, chattering, eating and studying, that was all replaced with a hall full of death eaters and assassins. And at the front, where professors would sit, now sat the dark lord and a few others. Including Draco.

Her heart fluttered at the sight of him and the memories of the last time she saw him consumed her memory. Ava caught eyes with him and despite the butterflies she felt in her stomach, she looked away without any hint of emotion. And Draco did the same. His dark stare was sinister and evil.

It haunted her. But now she knew it was fake, Ava felt so much better. Now she didn't feel so guilty for loving him.

"Let's sit here," George brushed a hand against her arm as he sat beside a tall-haired boy who Ava recognized as Colin, a Hufflepuff who was in the year above them. This section of the table was where all the winners where sat. All pale-faced and scared.

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