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D A Y - 2

Today was the same as yesterday. Wake up. Get dressed. Train. Eat. Go to sleep. She barely spoke to anyone today. Ava kept her head down, focusing on only herself. She decided she wasn't going to be that weak, scared girl from the cell. She didn't want to be her.

She thought she had lost all hope. That there was no use in fighting or trying to get out of this alive. She thought the world was too far gone. That everything would get worse.

But she was wrong.

It can get better. If she just accepts it. Lives with it. Until she sees an opportunity.

D A Y - 6

The past week Ava has worked hard. Her muscles are aching but at least she has some muscle now. She may be overworking herself but she does not want to be killed in the arena at the end of this year. She's not sure what the tests are or what to expect but she knows if she doesn't work hard then she will be killed.

And she wants to live.

D A Y - 14

Ava feels like she has been living the same day over and over again. But there is one thing which has changed with each day. Her body. She no longer looks like a skeleton. She has grown muscle all over her body. She's stronger.

The others have noticed this as well. They have noticed how hard she is pushing herself. Dean is worried about her and George is happy for her. But only because he thinks she's doing this to escape. And she is. But she starting to enjoy it. The feeling of becoming stronger. It feels empowering.

She's beginning to feel strong and not like the timid girl she once was.

She has started to master knife throwing. Almost every time she has hit the target. The best in her group.

She spends half her day working out, trying to build as much muscle as she can. The other half she spends knife throwing. And some days she has started to box. Hitting a punching bag over and over again. No longer does the bag budge slightly but it actually moves now. She had learned a good form. That's what Blaise told her.

D A Y - 16

After dinner, she walked back to their room. She noticed Hermionie sat on her bed, and only then did she realise that Hermione hadn't been at dinner. It got Ava questioning whether she had been at dinner at all the last week. She can't remember seeing her because she had been too focused on herself.

While Ava has been growing stronger, Hermionie has only been getting weaker.

Ava suddenly felt a pit in her stomach. Guilt.

"Hermionie?" Ava asked as she walked closer toward her, "are you alright?"

"No—No, I haven't been alright" Hermione cried, "but you seem alright. How are you alright? How are you okay with any of this"

"I'm not okay with it...I've accepted it" Ava responded truthfully.

Hermionie looked up at Ava. Tears filling her eyes with many questions.

Hermionie shook her head, "...How? Why?" she asked desperately.

"What else I'm I supposed to do?" Ava responded, "sitting around and crying about it isn't going to change what is happening to us!"

Ava knew she had gone too far but she to talk some sense into Hermione. If she doesn't then she will be killed. Her best friend since her first year of Hogwarts, when they were nothing but innocent little girls, who had no idea what was going to happen to them. Her best friend of nine years will be dead. Ava has lost too many people to this war and she refuses to lose another. Hermionie needs to understand that this is life or death.

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