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Today was similar to yesterday. Ava woke up on the same sofa and got ready, then she practised with Draco. Today he taught her more fighting techniques with all sorts of weapons, including her hands and feet. Teaching her high kicks and strong punches.

Ava was surprisingly enjoying herself. Training with Draco was much better than the usual training. In that large and dark great hall. With Seamus constant laughs and cruel comments.

And being forced to train just to survive isn't the most enjoyable thing but Draco makes it seem as though it can be. It doesn't feel forced when it's with him.

But Ava must admit, he is...different. And being near him is strange. Never before has she spoken to him. He and Harry always had a lot to say to each other but Ava always stayed out of it.

But now a whole day of training with him has been the most fun she has had in months. She feels safe with him and that was a feeling she didn't know she had lost. It only makes her scared to return back to the training hall.

She takes out her fear on the hanging boxing bag in front of her as Draco sharpened the swords. He body is sweaty and her hair a mess, falling out of its braids and ponytail.

A knock sounds at the door. The knock is loud enough to echo throughout the large room. Now she is worried. Who could it be? Blaise just walked in, so he would have just came in.

She looked over at Draco who stared intensely, in the direction of the knocks. His jaw sharp and his fist tightening around his sword.

"Shit" he cursed to himself, dropping the sword to the floor, "I forgot about him"

"Who?" Ava breathed out.

"The high guard," Draco said, "he reports back to me every few days"

"Come with me" he ordered and she quickly walked after his fast steps.

He walked into the main room and grabbed a chair, he pulled it toward her. But this chair had chains attached to the armrests and legs. Ava takes a step back. An uncontrollable step back. Out of fear and confusion. She really didn't like this.

"Sit," he told her, his voice shaky and his eyes never met hers, not once.

Ava moved toward the chair and tried to remain calm but it was clear she was frightened.

"What are you—?"

"I'm going to tie you up," he said before she could finish her question, "The guard can't think anything. He will know you are not a death eater and he will know you shouldn't be here"

He gently grabbed her wrist and placed it in the chains but when he heard the second knock he used force quickly, fastening her wrists and ankles tightly.

"Just be quiet and I'll handle it," Draco said as he walked toward the door.

Ava tugged at the chains but they were so tight that her wrists barely moved. She trusted Draco enough, at least she tried too. But the truth was she barely knew him.

"Graham" she heard Draco's voice as he opened the door.

"Malfoy" she heard another man's voice but she felt as though she knew that voice although she couldn't tell who it was.

"Do you have any urgent messages, I'm in the middle of something?" Draco said, their footsteps nearing.

"Well yes, I certainly do have some interesting information," the man said, "what are you up to, that caused you to take fine minutes to open the—"

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